Our Mission Developing Fully Devoted Followers of Christ by Intentionally Building those who know Christ and Passionately Pursuing those without Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

Our Mission Developing Fully Devoted Followers of Christ by Intentionally Building those who know Christ and Passionately Pursuing those without Christ

Our Unique Calling Multiplying churches that multiply churches to reach our county for Christ

Wichita Metropolitan Area population 600,000 people NO Church Affiliation 319,800 Church Affiliation 280,200 (53.3%) (46.7%)

According to city-data.org, Wichita has under 47% of the population affiliated with any religious congregation. Not that they attend a congregation or that they follow Christ, but that they only affiliate themselves with a religion.

At 46.7%, Wichita is under the national average. We were only able to find three cities with a lower percentage: Seattle, San Francisco, and Portland.

Wichita Metropolitan Area population 600,000 people NO Church Affiliation 319,800 Church Affiliation 280,200 (53.3%) (46.7%)

Of the 280,200 who affiliate themselves with a religion or church: Ch. Christ / Christian 7.2% Other 35.3% S. Baptist 15.1% Methodist 12.8% Catholic 29.6% No Affiliation

Of the 42,310 people affiliated with the S. Baptist Church, average combined attendance in all 52 of the SBC churches in the Wichita area was less than 8,000 No Affiliation

Our Unique Calling Multiplying churches that multiply churches to reach our county for Christ

Romans 10:13-15 … “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?

Romans 10:13-15 And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent?

We must: live multiplying lifestyles

We must: live multiplying lifestyles plant multiplying churches

We must: live multiplying lifestyles plant multiplying churches (partner with others who are doing the same)

Our Unique Calling Multiplying churches that multiply churches to reach our county for Christ

1-Year Residency Program

very thorough assessment process

1-Year Residency Program Phase 1: 3 mo. equipping focus planter chooses target area very thorough assessment process

1-Year Residency Program Phase 1: 3 mo. equipping focus planter chooses target area Phase 2: 5 mo. engaging focus 200 evangelistic contacts 50 who want to help plant a church very thorough assessment process

1-Year Residency Program Phase 1: 3 mo. equipping focus planter chooses target area Phase 2: 5 mo. engaging focus 200 evangelistic contacts 50 who want to help plant a church Phase 3: 4 mo. prepare to launch very thorough assessment process

No more than 10 family units from home church

Limited financial assistance from home church

no more than 10 family units from the home church limited financial assistance from the home church produces DNA of dependence on God and passion to win people for Christ

To Become Autonomous: average weekly adult attendance of elders 1 additional pastoral staff giving 10% to mission (church planting) 5-year church planting plan

Our Unique Calling Multiplying churches that multiply churches to reach our county for Christ

Proposal: Adopt this basic strategy for multiplying churches that multiply churches to reach our county for Christ.