Ten for Ten Final Review Religion 11 Which month honors Mary? How long is Lent? When is Pentecost? Why is Sunday the Christian Sabbath? What does the Triduum celebrate? What does Christmas celebrate? Which Liturgical Season has two parts? What is a symbol of Christmas? What does Advent Celebrate? What season does the Ascension of Jesus occur? Extra Credit: When are the elect baptized?
10X10=Final Exam Review Rel. 11 The “ordinary” minister of Confirmation is….. Excommunication is when… The “Mass” comes from what word? The “Seal of Confession” is….. An Usher does this… The Catholic Church has how many sacraments? The word “liturgy” means…. The prayer that calls down the H.S. is called… The word “Eucharist” means….. The Eucharistic prayer is called the….
10X10 Symbols and Things in a Church What is the Ambo? What is the Ambry? What is the Tabernacle? What is the Altar? What is the Baptistry? What is the Cathedra? What sacrament uses a ring? A white garment? Bread and Wine? Oil? Chrism?
10X10 Seasons and Symbols Meaning of: Advent, Christmas, O.T., Lent, Easter Manger, Green, Wreathe, Ashes, Paschal Candle and When is it lit? Infancy Narrative Gospels are…? Sacramental meaning of Eucharist means…? Transubstantiation is…? Synaxis means…? Anamnesis…? R.C.I.A. means…? Different names for Sacarment of Reconciliation? Catechesis means…?
10X10 Final Exam Review Contrition means… Compassion means… Concupiscence means… Viaticum means…. Conversion means… Absolution means.. Reconciliation means… Confession means… Penance…. Reconciliation… Effects of Baptism…
10X10 Final Exam Review Fidelity means… Annulment means…. Divorce means…. Matrimony means… Holy Orders… Consecrate.. Presbyter… Ordination….