Training for Problem Solving Teams Susan Clay Jefferson County Board of Education Fall 2014
Remember… RtI (Response to Instruction) is the instructional framework for the provision of services to all students RtI combines Core Instruction (with its differentiation), assessments, and multi-tiered interventions to increase student achievement and reduce behavior problems PST operates within the multi-tiered intervention piece of RtI
Do we… Have a systematic method for screening essential skills for all students to identify students who are at risk before they fail: Grades K-1: DIBELS Next, Other reading screening tests, Math screening tests, classroom performance data, attendance, behavior, etc. Grades 2-5: Performance Series, Aspire (grades 3-5), Reading Placement Tests, Math screening tests, District Math Unit Tests, classroom performance data, attendance, behavior, etc. Grades 6-12: Aspire (Grades 6-8), Performance Series, other State Assessments (EOC, Explore, Plan, etc.), system benchmark tests, classroom performance data, course failures, attendance, behavior, etc. Have a process for further assessing weaknesses identified in the screening process
Do we… Provide Tier II interventions based on screening results and results of classroom performance
Remember… PSTs choose scientifically researched based interventions when writing intervention plans for students—targeting essential skills PST intervention plans do not consist of accommodations—teachers can and should use appropriate accommodations within content area classes PST intervention plans must be a serious attempt to assist struggling students in the identified area(s) of need—about improving essential skills Students exit the intervention process only when they attain grade level skill or when they place in special education PST intervention plans continue from year to year, school to school if a student continues to need this intervention PST is NOT about referring a student for special education (refer only after intensive interventions are not successful)
Remember… Accommodation alters the environment, time requirements, format of student response, method of presentation, provides additional structure, etc. BUT does NOT change the mastery requirements for the course Modifications alter the mastery requirements for the course: require student to master fewer standards, require student to master standards at a lower grade level Modifications are only provided to students who QUALIFY for special education (as specified by their IEP) or for EL (determined by requirements of that program)
Have we… Identified members of our PST Assigned specific duties to PST members (scheduling, inviting teachers, recording decisions, assembling data, parental notifications) Scheduled PST meetings frequently enough to address new referrals to PST as well as to discuss progress of students currently on PST (students on Tier III Plans must be discussed every four weeks—look at progress monitoring, alter plan as needed)
Have we… Set a specific criteria as to which students should be referred to the PST Made certain that all teachers understand this criteria Set a specific process for teachers to refer students to the PST and that all teachers understand the process
Have we… Determined who will provide Tier III interventions Scheduled Tier III interventions into the school day—appropriate length and frequency
Do we… Write PST intervention plans with SMART goals Write PST intervention plans with specific, measurable rates of improvement (ROI) Write PST intervention plans specific to the essential skill weaknesses Write PST intervention plans using scientific researched based interventions (strategies/programs) Write PST intervention plans that specify how progress is to be measured and when it is to be measured
Do we… example of an Intervention Plan
Do we… Accurately document interventions that occur in Tier III Use appropriate progress monitoring tools Tier III interventions—tools that specifically measure the skills we are teaching at this level of intervention Administer progress monitoring tools weekly during Tier III intervention
Do we…
Provide appropriate notifications to parents: Tier III Notification Letter Screening Permission Form Tier III Progress Report—include the progress report letter AND attach information providing the name of the progress monitoring tool with the actual score(s)—every four weeks with progress reports and report cards
Do we… Provide appropriate paperwork to the special education referral team if a student is referred…
It’s all on the web… Departments Curriculum and Instruction Response to Instruction PST Forms PST Resources PST Training
The End