West Valley Demonstration Project Environmental Characterization Services Contract Update November 14, 2012 Zintars Z. Zadins, Ph.d. U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Rock Springs Road West Valley, New York 14171
WVDP Environmental Characterization Services Contract Safety & Ecology Corporation (12/2010) Environmental radiological characterization supporting Phase 1 decommissioning at the WVDP: –Phase 1 Decommissioning Plan for the WVDP (DP) –Phase 1 Characterization Sampling and Analysis Plan for the WVDP (CSAP) –Phase 1 Final Status Survey Plan for the WVDP (FSSP) Work authorized through the issuance of individual Task Orders 2
Characterization Sampling and Analysis Plan Recently Completed Activities Reference Areas 1 and 2 HLW Canister Interim Storage Area characterization Balance of Site Facilities (BOSF) footprint characterization following CHBWV removals: –Product Storage Area –Maintenance Storage Area Data received and currently in review 3
CSAP Reference Areas Two 2,000 m 2 reference areas selected with surface soils found in the WVDP (Sand and Gravel, Lavery till) Used to develop background data sets to support overland gamma survey’s at the WVDP and to evaluate daily field gamma detector performance Soil samples collected from both areas to establish background radionuclide concentrations of the 18 radionuclides of interest (ROI) and 12 potential ROI (PROI) and to evaluate distributions of naturally occurring radionuclides 4
CSAP Reference Areas (concluded) Preliminary radionuclide data from both reference areas and the Great Valley air sampling station (ASER soil background) were statistically evaluated Mean radionuclide concentrations from both reference areas were found to be less than or equal to the mean concentrations from Great Valley within a 95 percent confidence interval Mean ROI concentrations are typically less than 2% of their respective Phase 1 cleanup goals (CG). Exceptions are I-129 (approx. 49% of CG), and C-14, U-233/234, and U-238 (approx. 10% of CGs) 5
Reference Area 1 Southern boundary of WNYNSC on Thornwood Drive Sand and Gravel Unit Background Location 10 locations sampled (0- 15 cm and cm) Analyzed for 18 ROI and 12 PROI 6
Reference Area 2 West of WNYNSC Bulk Storage Warehouse Background for the Lavery till 10 locations sampled (0- 15 cm and cm) Analyzed for 18 ROI and 12 PROI 7
HLW Canister Interim Storage Area Characterization 4.8 acre survey area Gamma Walkover Survey 37 locations sampled (0- 15 cm and cm) Analyzed for 18 ROI and 12 PROI Survey and soil data are currently being reviewed 8
Maintenance Triangle and Product Storage Area Gamma walkover survey Seven soil samples (0-15cm, cm) from the 1,100 m 2 Maintenance Triangle Two soil samples (0-15cm, cm) from the 111 m 2 Product Storage Area Analyzed for 18 ROI and 12 PROI Survey and soil data are currently being reviewed 9
Future CASP Characterization Activities BOSF footprints following CHBWV removals: –Old Warehouse –Waste Tank Farm Training Test Tower –Vitrification/Construction Fabrication Shop –Vitrification Test Facility Waste Storage Area 10