SOCIALIZATION The lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their human potential and learn culture Agents of Socialization – –People, institutions,


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Presentation transcript:

SOCIALIZATION The lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their human potential and learn culture Agents of Socialization – –People, institutions, and groups that influence our self concept, emotions, attitudes, values, and behavior

The Family Social institution found inSocial institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children 1 st & most influential agent of socialization1 st & most influential agent of socialization Values and beliefs begin with familyValues and beliefs begin with family

Family: Parents AuthoritarianAuthoritarian –Obedience=prime virtue –Because I said so PermissivePermissive –Allow self expression –Few confrontations AuthoritativeAuthoritative –Confront only after deviance … allow the child to deviance … allow the child to learn from their mistakes learn from their mistakes

Stats & Divorce Ideal # of Children for U.S. Adults *0=1.3%*1=3.4%*2=50.4% *3=23.4%*4=8.2%*5=.7% (2000 Survey – text p. 474) 2000: Over 40% of U.S. Marriages End in Divorce – –One of the highest rates in the world

Religion Helps develop moralsHelps develop morals MonotheismMonotheism PolytheismPolytheism God: Authoritarian? Benevolent?God: Authoritarian? Benevolent? Critical? Distant? 70% of Americans belong to70% of Americans belong to a church –Only 40% attend regular services

Religion: Some stats % of Americans want a President with strong religious faith. 70% Do you believe in the existence of God or a universal spirit? Yes: 90% Do you believe that Jesus Christ actually lived? Yes: 90% Do you believe there is life after death? Yes: 73% Do you think there is a heaven where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded? Yes: 77% Do you believe there is a hell? Yes: 44%

More Religion I have no doubts that God exists – 66% I believe in a higher power or cosmic force – 14% I believe in God, but with some doubts – 11% I don’t believe in anything beyond the physical world – 5% Newsweek Survey

School Manifest vs. Latent Functions – –Examples? Hidden Curriculum – –values or messages that are present in an agent of socialization that are latent or not as obvious to some Gender socialization – –Gender separated classrooms? Emphasis on what you can do … not who you are – –No Child Left Behind: more emphasis on Standardized Tests – –Do you think this is the right way to educate?

Education Cont % of population that are college graduates (2000): 26% Voucher Programs, Open Enrollment, Chapter 220 Functional Illiteracy in USA = 21% Family Income & College Attendance – –$20,000 - $30,000 = 30% – –$75,000 + = 64%

Peer Groups Similar age, interests, social class, ethnic group 1 st experience with “equal-status” relationships Development of social identity Kids/Teens: Distinctive values and norms from adults (subculture) Groups develops distinct set of symbols/language Anticipatory Socialization – –Things you do in social situations in an attempt to gain acceptance into a social group Examples?

Mass Media 200,000 violent acts by 18 Yearly hours in school: 1250 Yearly hours w/ TV: million videos rented daily 3 million library books Do TV/Movies affect your peers? – –10-16: 66% Yes TV w/out parents: 90% Kids see 20,000 ads yearly 54% Kids: TV in bedroom V Chip: only 15% use it Page 126 in text

TV: Good or Bad? Study: Kids who watch 10+ hours a week – –Overweight – –Aggressive – –Slower in school 1990: Children’s Television Act – –3 hours per week, 7am-10pm, weekly program, 30 minutes in length – –Traditional Cartoons being replaced with educational programming 1997: TV Rating system (link)link

Mass Media and Gender Reinforces Gender StereotypesReinforces Gender Stereotypes Sex sells!Sex sells!

Disney’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

2002 Rolling Stone Cover

Miley Cyrus: Vogue

Total Institutions Attempt to Re-socialize Dominate the thoughts and actions of members Segregate emotionally, mentally, physically Mortification: strip newcomer of possessions, clothes, etc that may express individuality (personal identity kit) – –This process known as: Degradation Ceremony Examples?