ROMANIA Romania is situated in the south east of Europe and it has all types of relief: mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, the Black Sea coast, the Danube Delta.
BUCHAREST – the capital of Romania Romanian Athenaeum- the pride of Romanian culture
ROMANIA TULCEA COUNTY Map of the region which includes the Danube Delta On the right the 3 branches that form the Delta The Coat of Arms represents the specific of the region: fishing
. Tulcea has inhabitants. The town is situated on 7 hills, like Rome Images of the Danube and the promenade
Some museums of the city : The Old Folk Art Museum The Museum of the Danube Delta The Independence Monument
Many nationalities live in Tulcea. Each ethnic group has its religion and church The Mosque Turkish community The Russian Old Rite Church Lippovans The Catholic Church
Images from Tulcea, a developing town
SCHOOL “IOAN NENITESCU” 57, Miron Costin street, Tulcea The school has 500 children, organized 8 primary classes 8 secondary school classes 6 Groups of kindergarten The school has classrooms, laboratories: physics, chemistry, biology and geography, foreign languages, music, computer. We also have a library in which projections are made, a medical office and a gym