Prereading Some would argue that “two wrongs never make a right,” or that revenge only leads to more wrongdoing. Some would argue that “two wrongs never make a right,” or that revenge only leads to more wrongdoing. Do you think that wanting revenge is a justified feeling or even a justified act? Why or why not? Do you think that wanting revenge is a justified feeling or even a justified act? Why or why not?
Mood Poe was renowned for establishing strong MOODS in his stories and poems. Poe was renowned for establishing strong MOODS in his stories and poems. He develops this by: He develops this by: –Sensory details and images used to convey the setting (visual details that describe the setting) –Words describing thoughts, feelings, and actions –Repetition of words and rhythm of the language
Paraphrase Poe often used long, complex sentences that are challenging to modern readers, as you know. Poe often used long, complex sentences that are challenging to modern readers, as you know. As you read the story, paraphrase the more difficult passages on a chart with TWO COLUMNS: As you read the story, paraphrase the more difficult passages on a chart with TWO COLUMNS: Original TextParaphrase
Vocabulary in Context As each of these words comes up in the story, find the meaning of them at the bottom of the page and record them in your notes: As each of these words comes up in the story, find the meaning of them at the bottom of the page and record them in your notes: preclude connoisseurshipimpunityimmolation preclude connoisseurshipimpunityimmolation abscond repose niter termination trowel abscond repose niter termination trowel subsideaperturecatacombs niche subsideaperturecatacombs niche “Nemo me impune lacessit” “Nemo me impune lacessit” “In pace requiescat” “In pace requiescat”
Coat of Arms
Homework Read “The Story Behind ‘The Cask of Amontillado’” on page 215 in your book at home. Read “The Story Behind ‘The Cask of Amontillado’” on page 215 in your book at home. Then answer questions 1-8 on page 216. Write either the questions and the answers OR write the answers in complete sentences. Then answer questions 1-8 on page 216. Write either the questions and the answers OR write the answers in complete sentences.