Indonesian Coat of Arms Garuda Pancasila Indonesian Coat of Arms
Garuda Pancasila
History The Garuda Pancasila was adopted as the coat of arms of Indonesia in 1950 after a design competition. The Garuda is a mythical Hindu bird which represents power, bravery, loyalty and discipline. Each part of the coat of arms represents Indonesia’s national values which are called Pancasila.
The Shield The shield is coloured using red an white, the national colours of Indonesia. It represents the defence of the nation. Each part of shield has a special meaning.
The Star – Religious Freedom The star represents the principle that there is only one god but that this god can be worshipped in many forms. Its five points stand for the five major religions.
The Chain – Everyone linked The links in the chain represent that we are linked together. Meaning that all Indonesians are equal and have a shared destiny.
The Tree – Unity The tree represents that even though Indonesia is a vast and spread out country, like the roots and branches of a tree, it is still one nation.
The Bull - Democracy The bull in Indonesia is always found in groups and works together. This represents the ideal that all Indonesians must work together to reach their goals.
Rice and Cotton – Social Justice Cotton and rice represent the products Indonesia makes for income and rice the food the people eat. These are on the coat arms to represent that all Indonesians should have access to these things – work and food.
Feathers – Date of Independence The feathers on the Garuda represent the date of Indonesian Independence – 17 August 1945 17 feathers on each wing 8 feathers on the tail 19 feathers on the base of the tail 45 feathers on the neck
Motto – Bhinneka Tunggal Ika The Indonesian national motto can be found held in the claws of the Garuda Pancasila. Written in Javanese, one of Indonesia’s regional languages, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika means - Unity in diversity. Why do you think this is their national motto?