Percent of adults with postsecondary degree 55-64
Percent of adults with postsecondary degree 45-54
Percent of adults with postsecondary degree 35-44
Percent of adults with postsecondary degree 25-34
Canada Japan Korea Sweden/Finland/Norway Belgium United States Spain/France/Ireland Australia/Denmark U.K. New Zealand Switzerland/Iceland Netherlands Greece Germany Poland Mexico Massachusetts Minnesota North Dakota Connecticut/Colorado/New York New Jersey/Vermont/New Hampshire Illinois/Maryland/Nebraska Virginia/Iowa Wisconsin/RI/SD/WA Pennsylvania/Kansas/Delaware Hawaii Utah/Montana Michigan/North Carolina/Georgia Ohio/MO/OR/WY/CA/FL/ME Indiana Idaho/South Carolina/Arizona Texas/Alabama/Tennessee/Alaska Oklahoma Kentucky/New Mexico Mississippi/Louisiana West Virginia/Arkansas Nevada
Canada Japan Korea Sweden/Finland/Norway Belgium United States Spain/France/Ireland Australia/Denmark U.K. New Zealand Switzerland/Iceland Netherlands Greece Germany Poland Mexico Hungary Portugal Turkey Austria Italy/Czech Republic Slovak Republic Hamilton Monroe Tippecanoe Marion/Hendricks/Warrick Boone Allen/St. Joseph/Hancock LaGrange/Crawford Scott Switzerland/Fayette Parke Pike/Owens/Jennings Starke/Noble/Clinton
Degrees needed to match best-in-world performance, by state 7,292,000 additional degrees are needed for the U.S. to again have the highest rate of college degree attainment in the world. 32.3% of the total gap (2,358,000) is in the states of California, Texas, and Florida.
Closing the Gap—Number of Degrees Required Beyond Expected Production, 2005 to 2025 SOURCE: NCHEMS
Graduates already in workforce (31 million) New graduates at current rates of production (41 million) New graduates from immigration (6.4 million) New graduates needed to meet world standards (15.6 million)
Composition of the U.S. population, 2000 to 2050 Source: United States Census Bureau White, non- Hispanic Hispanic Black Asian Other
Growth in the U.S. population, 2000 to 2020 Source: United States Census Bureau
Levels of educational attainment, 2000 Source: United States Census Bureau At least 4 years of high school At least 4 years of college
Graduation rates for college students OECD countries