1 Presentation on Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport Project (Port & IWT component) 23 rd February 2011
Sittwe Ch. 0.0 km Paletwa Ch. 158 Km Kaletwa (Ch 225 km Myeikwa (IM Border) Kyauktaw Bay of Bengal KolkataSittwe539 km SittwePaletwa158 km PaletwaKaletwa 67 km KaletwaMyeikwa (IM Border) 62 km Myeikwa (IM Border) Lawngtlai100 km LawngtlaiAizawl334 km Aizawl Lawngtlai NH 54 B A N G L A D E S H I N D I A Myanmar I N D I A Kaladan R. Kaladan Multimodal Transit Transport System I W T ROAD IN INDIA ROAD IN MYANMAR DISTANCES
3 MEA is the nodal agency on Indian side – Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Myanmar side Framework Agreement and two Protocols (Protocol on Transit Transport and Protocol on maintenance) signed on 2 nd April 2008 Article-4 of the Framework Agreement provides for appointment of a Project Development Consultant (PDC) IWAI is the Project Development Consultant (PDC) vide Agreement dated with MEA Project Implementation Framework
4 Project Details.…an overview Piloted and funded by MEA. Based on DPR prepared by RITES in Project area entirely in Myanmar. Transport infrastructure components planned originally Port/IWT development between Sittwe and Kaletwa along Kaladan river Road form Kaletwa to Indo-Myanmar border(Mizoram)
5 Preparation for selection of main contractor for Port & IWT components (Agency to execute Road component to be selected by MEA) Construction supervision and overall project management. Co-ordination / Liaison between nodal agencies and contractors Responsibilities of PDC
6 Project details ….. an overview Components (Original DPR) Fairway development/ Sea-dredging in Sittwe port area Construction of Port/IWT terminals at Sittwe Fairway development/Dredging on Sittwe - Kaletwa stretch of Kaladan river( 225 Km) Construction of IWT Terminal at Kaletwa Construction of 10 IWT vessels (260 ton each) Highway (62 kms) from Kaletwa to Indo-Myanmar Border.
7 Project Components …post review Fairway development/ Sea-dredging in Sittwe port area Construction of Port/IWT terminals at Sittwe Fairway development/Dredging on Sittwe - Paletwa stretch of Kaladan river (158 Km) Construction of IWT Terminal at Paletwa Construction of 6 IWT vessels (300 ton each) Highway (129 kms) from Paletwa to Indo-Myanmar Border.
8 Transit Route (Modified) StretchModeDistance (in km) Kolkata- SittweSea route539 Sittwe- Paletwa*IWT (Kaladan)158 Paletwa-Kaletwa- Indo Myanmar border* Road129 Total826 * Post DPR review
9 9 Project cost (Awarded) for Port & IWT component Sl.no.Description Amount in Rs(Cr.) 1Dredging Access Channel and Port Basin at Sittwe Construction of rubble mounted Dyke at Sittwe for reclamation area Dredging of Navigational Channel along the River upto Paletwa Navigational Aids1.75 5Port at Sittwe (Civil Works & Handling Equipments) IWT Terminal at Sittwe (Civil Works & Handling Equipments) IWT Terminal at Paletwa (Civil Works & Handling Equipments) Design, Construction and Supply of 6 nos. 300 T. cargo vessels Total for Port & IWT development up to Paletwa342.41
10 Progress made MEA issued Letter of Acceptance(LoA) to Essar Projects India Ltd. on 12 April 2010 at a cost of ` 342 Crores. Agreement between MEA and Contractor signed on and Letter of Commencement (LoC) issued on Port & IWT works to be implemented in 36 months. Government of Myanmar has provided land for setting up contractor’s camp and land for construction at Sittwe during September Clearances / permissions for import of construction equipments & Materials as well as for opening of bank account has been received by the Contractor during October 2010.
11 Progress made… contd. Contractor has mobilised Men and Materials to the site and construction work started in December Consequent to relocation of terminal to Paletwa, a fresh DPR for New road section between Paletwa and Kaletwa is to be prepared. MEA has appointed M/s IRCON Infrastructure & Services Ltd. as the agency for preparing the D.P.R. for the new road section.
12 Progress made… contd. Construction activity at Sittwe started in December Preparation of detailed design & working drawings by the Contractor is in progress. Site office has been established at Sittwe in the space provided by Govt. of Myanmar.
13 Implementation Schedule (PORT & IWT)
14 Important issues MEA to finalize arrangements for construction of the highway link from IWT terminal at Paletwa to the Indo- Myanmar border. Necessary land at Paletwa is to be allotted by Govt. of Myanmar for construction of IWT Terminal. Requirement of land identified and submitted to Govt. of Myanmar by IWAI in February 2011.
15 Thank you