Welcome to Kindergarten! A PowerQuest to help Kindergarteners learn about their new school environment! By: Lisa Godwin Deep River Elementary School
How does environment affect behavior? Do you think that we can act or behave any way we like while we are here at school or do you think that there are rules that we must follow?
Welcome to Kindergarten! Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Credits and References
Introduction: Welcome to Mrs. Godwin’s Kindergarten classroom at Deep River Elementary School! Today, you are going to learn about your new school environment. That means you will be learning about the people, places, and things that make our school special! We are also going to be learning about the correct ways to behave when we are doing different things and visiting different places at school.
Task After completing this PowerQuest, you will have a better understanding of your new school environment. You will also understand the correct behaviors needed to have a successful school year! We will watch videos, role-play, and do hands on activities to help you be the best you can be!!!
Process 1 Our first task is to learn about our school rules and classroom rules. Do you think that we can act or behave any way we like while we are here at school or do you think that there are rules that we must follow? Yes! We must have rules to help us be the best we can be while we are here at school!
During Rug Time we always sit with our legs crossed and hands in our lap. We call this “Criss-Cross Applesauce, Duckies in the pond”
We keep our mouths closed when the teacher is speaking or when others are speaking. If we have something to share, we raise our hands and wait to be called upon.
Now, let’s take a tour of our classroom. We will be starting off by visiting the “Character Corner” where you will find: Classroom Rules Rewards and Incentives for Good Behavior The Choice Wheel Terrific Kid Station The Think Table The “Feelings Ceiling” The Comfort Zone Then we will visit each Learning Center and discuss the rules that apply to each of those centers.
Process 2 I know that some of you have never been to school before and you may be a little nervous about the rules and are still unsure about how to behave in certain situations. So…… We are now going to watch a movie to help us see how other boys and girls use good behavior and good manners while they are at school! Click on the girl to start the movie!
Process 3 Okay! Now we are ready to practice using good behavior. Each of you will pull out a slip of paper from my basket. Each paper will give you something to act out. You will have to show us the correct behavior to use in that situation. For example: Show us the correct way to sit on the rug.
Process 4 The next thing I would like to do is introduce you to the special people in our school who will be helping you learn and grow this year! I have a special friend who is going to help me! Let’s see what he has to say! Click on Booker the Bookworm to start the show!
Process 5 In just a few minutes, we are going to take a tour of our school. But first, we are going to make a “Spy Glass”. You will use it to look for all the people Booker the Bookworm introduced to you in his video. Click on the picture of the children to get directions for the art activity!
Process 6 Let’s go explore our new school environment! Remember to use your spy glass to help you find people from Booker Bookworm’s video! Welcome!
Evaluation The teacher will observe every student during the role-play activities and then again during the tour of the school to evaluate whether the students understood the concepts that were introduced. The following things can be done to reward the students for showing good behavior: Praise Small candy reward Positive note home to parents
Conclusion You have had an AWESOME first day in Kindergarten!!! I hope you had a good time and will try your very best to remember the rules we learned today. Remember, you have to sometimes change your behaviors depending on where you are and what you are doing at school. We’ll keep practicing! GOOD JOB EVERYBODY!
Teacher Page Student Section Curriculum Standards Student Page Credits and References Fair Use Statement
Curriculum Standards Social Studies Competency Goals 2 and 5: The learner will identify and exhibit qualities of responsible citizenship in the classroom, school, and other social environments. The learner will express basic geographic concepts in real life situations. Objectives: 2.01 Exhibit citizenship traits such as integrity, responsibility, and trustworthiness in the classroom, school, and other social environments Participate in democratic decision making Describe the importance of rules and laws Analyze classroom problems and suggest fair solutions Locate and describe familiar places in the home, school, and other environments Describe the functions of places in the home, school, and other environments. Teacher Section Teacher Menu
Credits and References The WebQuest Page Retrieved July 26, 2006, from google.com Web site: &q=puppet+show I would like to thank the excellent staff at the North Carolina Teacher Academy! I couldn’t have done it without you! This template was created by Rachel Harrington and Katy Wolfrom at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Teacher Menu
Fair Use Statement This multimedia presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and is restricted from further use. Teacher Menu