Unit 1 Friendship Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend – Day 1
Genre Realistic Fiction The characters behave as people do in real life. The setting of the story is a real place or could be a real place. The events in the story could happen in real life.
Author Ann Cameron Ann Cameron says that writers are people who capture the positive energy of life, wrap it in paper, and give it, all shimmering and forever bright, to others. Even in third grade, Ann knew she wanted to be one of those people.
Illustrator Ann Strugnell Ann Strugnell lives in London, but loves to travel and has visited Spain, Istanbul, and the United States. Strugnell has illustrated many books for children. Drawing on her experiences helps Strugnell to make her artwork interesting.
Questions Have you ever moved? If so, what was difficult about it? What was exciting?
Background This story is about a child whose family relocated to a new city. How do you think that would feel?
Focus Questions Think about these questions while you read. What do you think it means to be a best friend? How have you made new friends?
Clues, Problems and Wonderings Fold a page in your notebook into thirds like I will demonstrate. Label the first column, “clues.” Label the second column, “problems.” Label the third column, “wonderings.” As you read put at least three things in each column.
Whisper Read Whisper read with your partner. Take turns reading pages. As you read record any problems you have with words or any wonderings you have about the story. While you read think about connections between your own experiences and the story.
After Reading Let’s share some of your clues, problems and wonderings.