6/3/2016 Makin’ It Work Lesson 4: Warning Signs Module II: Keeping Self-Control © 2008 by Steve Parese, Ed.D. Transitioning from Corrections to Community and the World of Work
6/3/2016 Words of Wisdom “Managing problems begins with managing ourselves.” What do you get out of this? How does it apply to you?
6/3/ Read story about Nick 2. Identify work-related High Risk Situations 3. Identify our personal Warning Signs 4. Review & MiniQuiz Today’s Lesson Today’s lesson will teach us how to recognize and prepare for high risk situations which might push our buttons at work.
6/3/2016 Nick’s Story 1 Let’s read along on page 22. “Nick spent a year in jail for assaulting a man in a bar…” Questions after reading: 1.Nick was in a bad mood even before he dealt with the guest. Why? 2.What Thinking Traps did Nick fall into with the guest? With his supervisor? How did these affect the way he handled the situation?
6/3/2016 About High Risk Situations High Risk Situations can trigger negative personal beliefs. These “Thinking Traps” make it easy to behave in harmful or illegal ways, often leading to negative consequences. The first rule of self-control is to AVOID PREDICTABLE PROBLEMS. This starts by knowing what pushes your buttons, and why these situations bother you so much. Complete the chart on page 23.
6/3/2016 About Warning Signs Sometimes, we’re unable to avoid even predictable problems. The second rule of self-control is to KNOW YOUR WARNING SIGNS so you can keep problems small.
6/3/2016 Types of Warning Signs Intense THOUGHTS Such as ‘I can’t stand that idiot!’ which tend to pump us up rather than calm us down. Intense FEELINGS Such as extreme anger or nervousness, make it easy to react personally rather than professionally. PHYSICAL REACTIONS Such a red face or clenched fists, which are our most visible signs of stress.
6/3/2016 Nick’s Warning Signs HRS #1: Nick has to cover his tattoos. Intense Thoughts? __________________ Intense Feelings? __________________ Physical reactions? __________________ Find Nick’s Warning Signs in the story on page 22. HRS #2: The guest stares at Nick. Intense Thoughts? __________________ Intense Feelings? __________________ Physical reactions? __________________ HRS #3: Supervisor confronts Nick. Intense Thoughts? __________________ Intense Feelings? __________________ Physical reactions? __________________
6/3/2016 For Group Discussion What about your warning signs? Think about a work situation you have faced : What were your intense thoughts? What were your intense feelings? What were your strong physical reactions? Fill in the blanks on page 24.
6/3/2016 Warning Sign Examples High Risk Situation #1: You’re the new guy on a crew that is putting up drywall on a construction site, and have had a hard time fitting in. When you open your lunch box today, you see that it is filled with wet spackling compound (“mud”) -- yet another practical joke. My Intense Thoughts: __________________ My Intense Feelings: __________________ My Physical Reactions: _________________ My Impulse Behavior might be: ___________ The Consequences would be: _____________ Complete the chart on page 25
6/3/2016 Warning Sign Examples High Risk Situation #2: You are working as a cashier in a dollar store when an old friend that you haven’t seen since you got locked up suddenly walks in. She is dressed in style, and you can’t help but notice that you are wearing a purple and pink store apron and cap. My Intense Thoughts: __________________ My Intense Feelings: __________________ My Physical Reactions: _________________ My Impulse Behavior might be: ___________ The Consequences would be: _____________ Complete the chart on page 25
6/3/2016 Warning Sign Examples High Risk Situation #3: You have a job washing dishes in a small Italian restaurant. You’re taking a smoke break outside the back door, complaining about tomorrow’s 8:00 AM appointment with your P.O. Your coworker pulls out a joint, lights up, and asks if you want a hit. My Intense Thoughts: __________________ My Intense Feelings: __________________ My Physical Reactions: _________________ My Impulse Behavior might be: ___________ The Consequences would be: _____________ Complete the chart on page 25
6/3/2016 KEY POINT #1 KEY POINT #1 The first rule of self-control is to avoid predictable problems. This starts by being aware of your highest risk situations, and steering clear of them when possible.
6/3/2016 KEY POINT #2 KEY POINT #2 The second rule of self-control is to know your mental, emotional and physical warning signs. Paying attention to these helps keep small problems from turning into big ones.
6/3/2016 MiniQuiz #4 Let’s complete the MiniQuiz in the workbook and review it as a group. √
6/3/2016 Today’s Words of Wisdom: “Managing problems begins with managing ourselves.” How does this fit in with our lesson? What is ONE THING you learned in this class that you will remember after leaving?