Accommodation and care for older people Extra care housing
What is extra care housing? “Purpose built accommodation in which varying amounts of care and support can be offered and where some facilities are shared.” (Housing Corporation) Family home >Designated housing with support/ externally provided care >Extra care housing >Care home
Models Models of extra care housing Tenure – rented (not means tested)/ shared ownership/ leasehold Funding –Public sector / private investment Care based on site Care provision & housing support - separate provider/ same provider Client mix – dependency levels
Benefits of ECH Independence / “home for life” Purpose designed More stimulating environment/ community involvement/ shared facilities Mix of dependencies Tenant/ leaseholder retains own home Combined package of housing support and care Access to intermediate and end of life care
Existing ECH provision Existing ECH provision in LBB 188 units – 6 sites (5 x Broomleigh; 1 x A2 Dominion) Graduation to residential care negligible (3 in 2 years) Graduation to nursing care (25 in 2 years)
Criteria for extra care housing in LBB Critical or substantial banding for eligibility Frail or physically disabled High level of cognitive dysfunction Depression or some other mental illness Need for 10 hours + personal care Independence restricted by current environment Require 24 hour access to care staff supported by assistive technology where appropriate
New provision to replace 2 existing schemes – Denton Court/ Cranbrook Court 60 units at Bromley Common end of 2010 Plus 140 additional new units by units in Penge in 2011 ?? Two more schemes