The Modern day Broker What Dealers and some Lenders are missing out on Paul Hibbert: Key Account Director 341
Welcome to the North 341
Understanding a Perception Human beings do not act (or behave) in this world according to what is real, they act (or behave) according to their perception of reality Therefore most people currently make judgements based on what has happened to them in the past, what they see or hear and not what can happen to them in the future Will Holden “The Guide”
Definition of “Broker” We buy parcels or segments of compliant risk from dealers and sell them on to the Specific Niche Lenders
The Modern Day Broker In partnership with the Lender Inexpensive origination cost of business 341 No Multi-proposing Trusted / Compliant two way Partnership Lenders Circle of Trust Asse t Customer Dealer Broker
The Modern Day Broker In Partnership with the Dealer Business Split 341 Earning our Stripes Upfront Commission Knowledge and Transparency Dynamic Decisioning 7 days a Week The Regional Sales Manager £341
The Modern Day Brokers Regional Sales Manager £ Lenders Circa 45 products ConsultantBig Data Technology and M.I. Support my Dealers Real Purpose for calls Ultimately I add Value
In Summary Have you got the correct perception? Value / trust Teamwork Compliment Win - Win £341 Manufacturer “Rep”Captive “Rep” Broker ‘Rep”
Thank you £341