It is the process that authors use to develop or describe a character in a story. It can be: Direct: Author describes directly what the character is like. Indirect characterization. Author uses different methods of characterization. ex: S.T.E.A.L
Speech What does the character say? How does the character speak? Thoughts What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings? Effect on others toward the character. What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? What do other characters say or think about the character. Actions What does the character do? How does the character behave? Looks What does the character look like? How does the character dress?
S1S1 “ I think it works” said Michael. E 2Mr.Bueller shuffled through the papers on his desk. He smiled and hummed as he sat down to work. A3A3 On the way to his homeroom, Victor tried to scowl. He felt foolish. T 4He felt awful. Teresa sat a few desks away, no doubt thinking he was a fool. L5L5 Great rosebusheds of red bloomed on Victor`s cheeks.
From Thank You, Ma’am by Langston Hugues She was a large woman with a larger purse that had everything in it but hammer and nails. The large woman simply turned around and kicked him right square in his blue-jeaned sitter. Then she reached down, picked up boy up by his shirt fromt and shook him until his teeth rattled. After that the woman said, “Pick up my pocket book and give it here!”