VEX Design Problem 3 Hazardous Waste Disposal
Scenario You are part of a team that has been tasked with cleaning up a toxic waste site. As this is a large job the government has asked that you build a prototype robot to demonstrate why your group should be awarded the large and lucrative clean-up contract. You will use your knowledge of robotics to build and operate a robot that will help cleanup the toxic site by the most efficient (fastest) means.
Problem Design and build a remotely controlled robot that can collect various objects scattered over a large play-field and deposit them in a goal. At the end of a timed round the robot scoring the most points will be deemed the WINNER. Materials and Restrictions You will use the VEX robotics kit and any additional materials your group can provide. The play field will have 2 levels therefore your robot should be able to climb. The goal areas will be either small buckets approximately 3 inches high on all sides or an area on the elevated platform; in order to score any points you must deposit the items in the bucket.
Hazardous Waste (Point Values) Pop can (2 pts) Ping Pong Ball (1 pt) 2 x 4 x 12 piece of lumber (10 pts)
Research Questions 1.In order to use the SERVO motor module, which control setup do you feel is better, analogue (1-4) or digital (5-6)? Why? 2.Why is a MOTOR module not well-suited to delicate applications? 3.Explain the difference between tank and arcade style controls, making reference to the operation of the motors and direction. 4.Why would a robot be well-suited to garbage collection or hazardous waste cleanup? 5.Explain why the small wheels may not be the best option for this challenge.
Example (Trash Masters Spring 2010)
Contaminated Area (Play field) Common Incinerator* The area in orange will be 2” off the ground. *This area will be located directly on the raised platform without higher sides. Team 1 Start Team 2 Start Team 2 Goal Team 1 Goal
Assessment Your group will complete a standard design rubric for this challenge and be evaluated using the design challenge rubric. Your robot must be completely disassembled with all parts returned to their respective kits. Your final submission will not be counted until this has been verified by Mr Scott.
Result Points Breakdown 1 st Place (most points) or unique/original design 5 pts Robot can successfully navigate both levels and deposit an item in the goal. 4 pts Robot can either successfully navigate both levels or deposit an item in the goal. 3 pts Robot can collect items on lower level both cannot climb or deposit in goal. 2 pts Robot can drive without intervention.1 pt No attempt0 pts