Stefan Bron,Stephan Gerards, Sietse Feenstra, Robin Kolle en Jelte Stok B4O1 Green Dream Team
Project Sweden!
ECOScience: -buffer tank -Energy Centre -Solar panels -Vacuum tubes -Pellet-burners -Heat-pumps
System Tank and Buffer Tanks 1 system tank, multiple buffer tanks
Energy centre -Fresh-water module -Solar-charging module -Heating circuit -Color Touch Screen
Solar Panels / Vacuum Tube collectors
Pellet stoves
Air Heat pumps Air gets sucked in. Filed under the ground.
Why ECOScience? -Energy Storage -Gracefully -Plug and Play -Recyclable -Over-used
Project Leusden
Power structure: Power pole Power base Power floor Power Stone Power window
The power pole
Power base makes construction easier.
Power floor.
Power Stone.
Power window.
Power work Power battery electric cars Power turbine
Power battery.
Electric cars.
Power Turbine.
Energy systems Power Boiler Power Pump Power Router
Power boiler
Power router
Power pump.
The five benefits of Power Housing 1. financially attractive 2. Freedom in architecture 3. Sophisticated Total Concept 4. high quality 5. reliable Production
Movies and pictures: _Smg _Smg animatie-energieplushuis animatie-energieplushuis film film
Conclusion: Project Leusden: We Think project leusden is better because the systems are easier as that of Sweden as: The Power Router: The system is compact, lightweight and throughout building. That is not the case with the buffer tanks the lightest tank weighs 65.6 kg. Another benevit of Leusden is that you can charge your own electric car this is not possible in Sweden.