WISER Humanities: OxLIP+ Electronic Resources Judy Reading and Kerry Webb Oxford University Library Services
OxLIP+: Oxford Libraries Information Platform Provides access to: peer-reviewed and subscription based research resources bibliographic tools, e.g. LION or Arts and Humanities Citation Index, available to help you search for articles in your research area Online reference works and much more. Offers: cross-search across selected databases saved searches and alerts
In this session: An introduction to OxLIP+ An overview of available electronic resources
OxLIP+ (Oxford University e- Resources) Linked from SOLO or direct at plus.ox.ac.ukwww.oxlip- plus.ox.ac.uk Portal to our electronic resources Allows resources (ie databases etc) to be searched for by title or subject Allows cross-searching of selected databases for articles or other individual resources Enables easy remote access to most resources by signing-in with Oxford SSO
Use the default Find Database to search for a specific resource (eg AHCI) by title or A-Z search.
Click on the name of the resource to go through to the native interface
Find Database by Subject lets you browse through resources selected by subject librarians. Click on GO to see the titles under each sub-category
You can see what type of resource eg Full text or Abstracts/indexes
Legend More information is available on each database including search hints If you add a resource to your clipboard you can keep sets of favourites and create sets to cross-search This icon means you can search the resource from within OxLIP – click on the icon to do so. It also means the resource is cross-searchable - click on CrossSearch to search several databases at once.
You can Log In using your Oxford Single Sign-On to save information. Use this option for off-campus access to e-resources
Break for hands-on
Wiser Social Sciences: Politics & International Relations OxLIP+ (Oxford Libraries Information Platform) is a gateway to hundreds of electronic resources catalogues abstracting & indexing services reference works full-text resources statistical resources official publications electronic journals quality web resources current awareness services citation indexes indexes to theses and conference papers OXLIP databases are arranged A-Z by title and also organised by subject
Full text and primary resources: a few examples Bible in English – 21 versions of the Bible BibleWorks – over 65 versions of the Bible, including the Vulgate, KJV, NRSV, Geneva etc. Past Masters – English full-text of important authors, includes Aquinas, Augustine, Berkley, Burnley, Calvin, Coleridge, Descartes, Hegel, Hume, Luther, Nietzche etc. etc. British History Online – core printed primary and secondary sources for medieval and modern history LION – Literature Online – provides access to an extensive range of English literature covering poetry, prose and plays. Also has additional links and information i.e. bibliographies and links to web sites etc.
Cambridge Companions Online Full text copies of all the titles in the Cambridge Companions series Covers literature, philosophy, religion, classics and cultural studies Fully searchable by book title and by chapter topic Downloadable pdf versions of each individual chapter for easy referencing Individual titles can be found via SOLO, or you can search the entire series via OxLIP+
Search by keyword in the simple search screen Browse by chapter title or by book title for the article/essay you require
Secondary sources Journal and citation indexes, e.g. Historical Abstracts, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, MLA Bibliography Criticism and Reference works e.g. LION Criticism, Oxford Bible Commentary, Blackwells Reference Online, Oxford Art Online
What is a journal index? –A database which contains information about individual articles in journals, and often indexes book chapters from edited collections as well as book reviews in journals –Indexes are fully searchable by author, title, journal title and, more importantly, by subject area –Indexes are valuable research tools when combined with links to full-text if available through OU e-journals –References may include abstracts –Some indexes allow you to export citations to bibliographic software –You can , print or download your search results –They are not repositories for full text journal articles, but can provide links to the articles indexed
Some examples of journal indexes British Humanities Index Arts and Humanities Citation Index Philosophers Index Historical Abstracts ATLA Religion MLA Bibliography
Available via OxLIP+ – listed within the ‘English’ and ‘Modern Languages’ subject sub-sets Provides searchable indexed records from over 4,000 journals covering literature, linguistics, language and folklore Coverage from 1926 to the present Links directly into the OLIS catalogue and Oxford eJournals (where applicable) It is not a database of full text articles
Select the Advanced Search option from this first screen For better results go straight to the Advanced Search option
MLA Advanced Search Screen Limit your results to Oxford holdings by ticking this box Remember to enter the authors you are researching as ‘Keyword’ searches Can limit results by date of publication, document type, language etc.
MLA Search Results screen The title of the article provides a link to further details Multiple records can be selected from the list to either , print or export to bibliographic software, e.g. RefWorks
Using the full record of an indexed article Provides direct link to the OLIS record for journal / book cited (Remember to make a note of the volume and issue before following the OLIS link) Direct links to the article are provided, if available via Oxford e- journals , print or export the record using these buttons Use keyword descriptors to refine / run further searches for similar articles Will search Oxford University eJournals for the article and provide direct links where available
Catalogues (OLIS, COPAC, British Library, Worldcat) Oxford University e-Journals E-book packages (e.g. Taylor and Francis, Oxford Scholarship Online) Current awareness services (ZETOC) Official papers and grey literature (e.g. UKOP) Statistical information (under specific subjects eg Sociology) Reference sources (eg Blackwell Reference Online) Theses (Dissertations Abstracts, Index to Theses) Conference papers (Papers First / Proceedings First) Web resources and mailing lists (Intute) What else?
More features of OxLIP+ CrossSearch enables you to search across several databases at the same time My Research enables you to create sets of favourite resources, save references, save searches and set up alerts.
CrossSearch steps Choose: CrossSearch Search type: Subject Subject: eg English Sub-category: eg Bibliographic databases Select the databases available for cross-searching by clicking in box Enter your keywords in search box Click on Go
Cross-searching can be slow – OxLIP+ displays progress and you can choose to view results before the search is finished.
Click on the title to see more detail of the reference Here you can see which database the reference was found in
Use this link to check Oxford print and e-holdings FT means Full-text availabl e
Use “combine more” to get more records which match your search terms.
View results by databases lets you see how many results came from each database and see results separately
Results by databases
Focus your search by limiting by topics, dates, authors, journal titles, databases or subject headings
My Research Save references Save searches and set up alerts Push to Refworks or Endnote or results to yourself Create sets of favourite resources
Click on the basket to select a reference
These records have been selected
Click on My Research: e-Shelf to see your selected references
My Research Select the references you want Click on Selected Click on Send to the records to yourself Or Save to push to Refworks or Endnote – the browser should open for Refworks
You can Log In using your Oxford Single Sign- On to save information after you close the browser. Use this option for off-campus access to e-resources
My Research: My databases is your favourite databases.
Put databases in the Clipboard in any of the Find database lists by choosing Go to Find Database and search by title or subject to get a Database List
My Research: My databases Click here to create a new set then use the icon to fill it with databases from your clipboard Choose My Research My Databases
Having created sets in “My Databases” you will be able to select them through CrossSearch
To save searches and set up search alerts look at Previous searches in CrossSearch and click on the icon
Further help Ask in any Library and we will be pleased to help Contact your subject librarian see Online help and guides are available see or from individual libraries Why not sign up for more WISER sessions? See Please respond to the request for feedback which will be ed to you – we do value your input