Western Pacific Region 1 Bi-regional Malaria Surveillance and M&E Workshop, Phnom Penh, 6–7 May 2010 Bi-regional Workshop on Malaria Surveillance and Monitoring & Evaluation BACKGROUND Eva Maria Christophel / WPRO
Western Pacific Region 2 Bi-regional Malaria Surveillance and M&E Workshop, Phnom Penh, 6–7 May 2010 Malaria Indicators: History 1998, 20 th Malaria Expert Committee: Recommendation on malaria indicators “Kunming indicators”WHO Bi-regional Meeting on Control of Malaria in Kunming, 11/1999: “Kunming indicators” Case definitions (based on 20. Expert Committee) Epidemiological (impact) indicators Operational indicators (case management, prevention) However, experiences in the Western Pacific Region during 10 years showed implementation issues (WHO meetings 2006 and 2008)….
Western Pacific Region 3 Bi-regional Malaria Surveillance and M&E Workshop, Phnom Penh, 6–7 May 2010 SUSPECTED SUSPECTED MALARIA (Clinical symptoms of malaria) UNCONFIRMED(“probable”)UNCONFIRMED(“probable”) TESTED (by microscopy or RDT) POSITIVE CONFIRMED =CONFIRMED POSITIVE CONFIRMED =CONFIRMED NEGATIVE =not malaria Without access to lab diagnosis Auxiliary category With access to lab diagnosis P. falciparum Other species # slides taken “not tested” “laboratory-unconfirmed malaria” false neg.? no result? result not in the book?
Western Pacific Region 4 Bi-regional Malaria Surveillance and M&E Workshop, Phnom Penh, 6–7 May 2010 INDICATORS in a Logical framework Inputs Inputs:Money, people, facilities Outputs Outputs: Activities (training courses, distribution of supplies) Outcomes Outcomes: Improvements in coverage and quality of services, utilisation, behaviour of target pop. Impact Impact:Reduced morbidity, mortality
Western Pacific Region 5 Bi-regional Malaria Surveillance and M&E Workshop, Phnom Penh, 6–7 May 2010 Malaria Strategies/Plans and Indicators 2003, WHO WPR MVP Malaria Programme Planning Matrix , internal 02/2009, Workshop to develop regional strategic plan (WHO staff and experts) 07/2009, Regional Programme Managers Workshop (plus Thailand and Myanmar): Finalization of the Regional Action Plan for Malaria Control and Elimination plus indicator framework 09/2009, Endorsement of the RAP by the WP Regional Committee
Western Pacific Region 6 Bi-regional Malaria Surveillance and M&E Workshop, Phnom Penh, 6–7 May 2010 Next Steps Country level Workshop in each country to: - harmonize national M&E plans with regional indicators (in cooperation with Global Fund) - learn about country targets, and finalize regional targets - identify programme needs for surveillance & M&E, incl IT, training and others, establish country surveillance and M&E workplans (integrated?) Decide on national surveillance bulletins Finalize national strategic plans incl nat. M&E plans. Regional level Finalization of indicator framework for roll-out (now) Decide on regional surveillance bulletin After country workshops, revisit regional indicators and targets, establish regional database, finalize regional workplan, $ mobilization etc Provide country support where needed Periodic data collection and analysis, jointly with World Malaria Report
Western Pacific Region 7 Bi-regional Malaria Surveillance and M&E Workshop, Phnom Penh, 6–7 May 2010 Seasonal Cambodian migrant workers in Pailin / Cambodia THANK YOU!