An An Introduction to World Religions An An Introduction to World Religions An
Slide 2. Typical Agenda Attendance :15 In the Religious Calendar :19 Religion in the News :23 Announcements / Administrativa :25 discussion of the assigned reading :35 Explaining a concept– for the exam’s paragraph answer section. Three approaches to religion :50 Video with focus questions and discussion :04 Homework for Next Time
Slide Agenda Attendance :15 Administrativa: Return Midterm tests :17 In the Religious Calendar: Simchat Torah :19 Religion in the News: End of the World :25 Student Presentation: Rachel Burton :35 Explaining a concept– for the exam’s paragraph answer section. :50 Video with focus questions and discussion :04 Homework for Next Time
Slide 4. From 1991 to 2009, Dr. Annette Ahern was a dedicated professor, writer, researcher, and member of the Department of Religious Studies at St. Francis Xavier University. Annette was a loving wife and mother, an active member of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, and a friend to many. After a brief illness, Annette died on Thursday 22 October 2009 at the age of 51. Enriched by her life, we honour her with these memorial events. 3:00 pm: Tree planting ceremony, on the lawn near Immaculata Hall 4:00 pm – Memorial Lecture – Schwartz Building, Room 156 : “Ecotheology and the Practice of Hope” By Dr. Anne Marie Dalton Following the lecture, please join us for a reception in the vestibule. The Dr. Annette Ahern Memorial Lecture Friday October 21, 2011
Slide 5. Opening Reception Thursday, October 20th 4-6pm “Water Music” At the Lyghtesome Gallery – October 20 to November 18 A unique exhibit featuring a collection of colour photographs by John Berridge and poetry by Anne Simpson, the second creative collaboration by this talented duo The sensitivities of an accomplished theologian/photographer meet the intuitions of one of Canada’s treasured poets. The exhibit is dedicated to the memory of mutual friend and colleague, Annette Ahern.
In the calendar In the calendar In the calendar In the calendar 1.October 26, 2011: Deepavali / Diwali (Hindu-Sikh-Jain) Deepawali / Diwali is a merry festival celebrated for five days, the third day being the height of the festival. Diwali commemorates the defeat of evil King Ravana and the return of the good Lord Rama from his 14-year exile. Also known as the Festival of Lights, diyas (small clay lamps) and fireworks are ignited, and the light of these symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Gifts are given, and festive meals are prepared. This festival is primarily celebrated in the Hindu, Sikh, and Jain traditions, thought it is also recognized by the Buddhists of Nepal.
Religion in the News Religion in the News Insert FLV Religion in the News Religion in the News Religion in the News Insert FLV Religion in the News
Slide 8. CoXistCoXist the Religious Studies Students’ Society (CoXist) event Monday, October 24 at 5:00pm
Slide 9. Buddhism Beginning with slide #1 The Buddha’s first sermon The Four Noble Truths The Eightfold Path
Slide 10. For Homework For Thursday, 12:15 Read the chapter “Holy Man” from the Dhammapada (on Moodle) for discussion For Monday, 11:15 Read pages of Chapter 5 on Buddhism, and write the quiz on Moodle For Tuesday, 1:15 Read the Angulimala Sutta (on Moodle) for discussion