Health Inequalities Action plan – HIAP Sarah Possingham Senior Manager Wider Determinants Public Health –PH Department name or other text (optional)
Where did the HIAP come from? Origins in the Marmot review –Fair Society, Healthy Lives In Bradford it was initiated by meeting of full council in December 2011 As a result the shadow Health and Well Being Board was asked to focus health inequalities and develop Health and Well Being Strategy
Bradford’s HIAP
Our HIAP Priorities 18 priorities grouped under the 6 areas identified in the Marmot review 1.Give every child the best start in life 2.Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives 3.Create fair employment and good work for all
Local HIAP Priorities cont…. 4.Ensure healthy standard of living for all 5.Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities 6.Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention
HIAP who’s responsible? The Bradford District Partnership (BDP) ‘owns’ the HIAP In recognition of the complexity of the priorities though they have asked their strategic partnerships to manage relevant outcomes For example the Children's Trust or Safer Communities partnership
So for example………. “Give every child the best start in life” 1.Reduce and alleviate the impact of child poverty 2.Reduce infant mortality 3.Promote effective parenting and early years development
Monitoring & Outcomes The HIAP and progress against priorities are taken thought the Health and Well Being Board (HWBB) HWBB is also developing a formal performance framework which will incorporate HIAP outcomes
Exec Report –HIAP A report on the HIAP was taken to the Council's Exec in January this year The purpose of this was to raise awareness of the HIAP It also tasked the Council with using its unique role in the district to take forward actions in the HIAP Agreed that an additional focus be centred on 6 priorities
What are these 6 focus areas? Infant mortality Healthy Aging Smoking Alcohol and Violence Excess winter deaths and Fuel poverty Tuberculosis
Why these 6? Each of these focus areas affect the most deprived areas of our community and contribute to health inequalities overall All have been highlighted through the public health outcomes framework as areas of concern for Bradford
Why these 6 continued…? All impact across a wide range of people in our district They are not constrained by area or locality boundaries They need a concerted approach by a range of different agencies; public, private, the voluntary and community sector and patient based to make real change
What role do the area health hubs play? Health hubs need to identify what the local health based priorities are These can inform ward and area planning These may be similar or related to existing HIAP priorities
Useful links The link below takes you to the Bradford observatory on there you’ll find the links to the Joint Health and Well Being Strategy and the HIAP ages/default.aspx For the link to the Council Exec report on the HIAP please go to main council website
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