HealthWatch – an effective patient and public voice Steve Studham: Chair, Derby LINk Cath Roff: Strategic Director- Adults, Health & Housing, Derby City.


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Presentation transcript:

HealthWatch – an effective patient and public voice Steve Studham: Chair, Derby LINk Cath Roff: Strategic Director- Adults, Health & Housing, Derby City Council

Overview  Role of HealthWatch  Relationship to Health & Well-being Board  Emerging issues  Some things to think about

Role of local HealthWatch “The local consumer voice for health and social care”  Influencing – help shape the planning of health and social care services  Signposting – help people access and make choices about care  Advisory – Advocacy for individuals making complaints about healthcare

Local HealthWatch (2)  Local Involvement Networks to be the foundation for local HealthWatch  Carry forward the core functions of LINk but new duties too  Shaped as a corporate body so can employ staff  LHW membership to be representative of local community  Has a seat on the Health and Well-being Board  Commissioners and providers to have due regard to local HealthWatch findings

From LINk to HealthWatch  Health and Well-being Board – stronger role, influence on commissioning decisions  Inclusive and diverse voice – strive to be representative of local community and ensure all voices are heard  Help CCGs and providers make best use of patient and public voice in their decision- making  Make alliances and tap into existing local and professional expertise in voluntary, community and faith sector

Relationship to HWBB  “Critical friend”  Help in shaping the JSNA and Joint Health and Well-being Strategy  Scrutiny of health and social care services (excluding children’s social care)  Help local authorities fulfil their duty to involve customers and the public  Comment on commissioning strategies

Emerging issues - LINks  Yet another change – Community Health Councils→Patient & Public Forums→LINks  Unease at being commissioned by local authorities – conflict of interest?  “Body corporate” off-putting to some  Hanging on to staff and volunteers during transition  Adequate funding?

Emerging issues - Commissioners  What does “evolve” mean?  Difficult relationships with some LINks  Politicisation of HealthWatch by some Members – cost savings vs decent funding  Geographical boundaries – local authority or CCG?  Calibre and capacity of volunteers  Role of Chair critical

Some things to think about?  Does our local LINk have a seat on the HWBB?  Do we have a good relationship with our LINk?  What is our area’s approach to having conversations with our citizens?  Where does HealthWatch fit in our response to localism?

Some more things to think about!  What investment would it take to have a good HealthWatch?  What are relationships like between our LINk and other voluntary sector groups?  What will be the relationship between the scrutiny that happens at the HWBB and the formal OSC?  How can we develop together?

East Midlands Development Programme  Sponsored by the Transitions Board  Community Development Foundation and Locally Made are delivery partners  Action learning set approach  LINk and Commissioners separate then will come together  Five authorities are path-finders too (Derby City, Leicester City, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire)