Generations Together Duncan Smith, Service Manager, Wakefield Council Lisa Spivey, Generation Xchange Project Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Generations Together Duncan Smith, Service Manager, Wakefield Council Lisa Spivey, Generation Xchange Project Manager

Generation Together Project Partners: Age Concern Wakefield District Groundwork Wakefield Voluntary Action Wakefield District Developing Initiatives, Supporting Communities Wakefield Council NHS Wakefield District, Public Health Service

Wakefield’s Project - Generation Xchange Generation Xchange An innovative and creative intergenerational skills exchange scheme developed by a voluntary sector led partnership, supported by the local authority Delivering targeted intergenerational volunteering opportunities where individuals are supported and facilitated to exchange life skills

Generation Xchange Five main work streams: Life skills Literacy Sport & Physical Activity Conservation and Environment Innovation and ongoing development

Aims address widening gaps in understanding and tolerance, to build stronger and more confident communities an increased opportunity to make a positive contribution through volunteering develop a practice model that could be replicated and developed in schools and community settings Generation Xchange

Targeted activity: areas of deprivation and improving life chances of vulnerable younger and older people Specific groups include: ‘NEET’ young people and at risk of ‘NEET’ care leavers and young offenders socially isolated older people Accreditation opportunities

Key Outputs At least 1,700 additional volunteers working on intergenerational activity a district wide strategic and sustainable approach high quality evaluation framework good practice/lessons learnt; widening knowledge, interest and involvement in intergenerational practice

Generation Xchange Building on Success Existing successful intergenerational projects: Older people lunching with children in 50 of district’s schools - around 500 people benefiting Silver Surfers Extra Care Housing - Computer suites/Wii fit/sports

Generation Xchange Headline Outcomes 5% (52) NEET young people involved in project 100+ projects delivered; 39 in most deprived areas,(743 people) 75% of young people stated they have improved life skills Over 2,200 younger and older volunteers recruited to project 98% would like to participate in further intergenerational projects 25 projects developed involving 321 socially isolated older people 94% had developed a better understanding of other generation 40 of Wakefield’s Schools have taken part in the project 35 smaller organisations benefitted from grass-roots funding 4 larger community based innovation projects

Generation Xchange Legacy and Sustainability Training Resource Packs - How to Guide and DVD Intergenerational Toolkits: - Cooking Clubs - Lunch Clubs in Schools Reading Mentoring Silver Surfers Accreditation opportunities Expert Volunteers

Generations Xchange Legacy and Sustainability Wakefield District Intergenerational Network Age UK – Fit as a Fiddle Funding - Boccia Bowling - Healthy Living Online Centres – Silver Surfers Clubs Reaching Communities Funding Bid

Generation Xchange Website

Generation Xchange Embedding a Strategic Approach : Positively Ageing: a strategy to improve wellbeing in later life Wakefield Children’s and Young People’s Plan Wakefield District Volunteering Strategy Joint Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Strategy Wakefield District Cohesion Strategy Wakefield District Integrated Youth Support Strategy Sports & Active Lifestyles Strategy Cultural Strategy

Positioning for the Big Society Area based working localising delivery: -7 Area Forums -12 Priority Areas (10% most deprived IMD) A First rate third sector: Over 1,600 organisations, A diverse, extensive and active voluntary and community sector Third Sector Development Plan

Positioning for the Big Society Projects developed within localities and communities have a greater impact on outcomes Use existing structures and networks; linking schools with community organisations can help develop sustainable models of intergenerational practice A district wide strategic and sustainable approach involving all stakeholders is needed to embed intergenerational practice Harnessing the talents and contributions of all our communities, across all ages

Thank you Generation Xchange