+ PROGRESS MONITORING: IEP Goals and Benchmarks By Marlene Chavez
+ Agenda for Today Review of progress monitoring -look at IEP goals, benchmarks, evaluation criteria, etc. Activity 1: Partner check-in
+ Progress monitoring: What is it? Why is it important? Progress monitoring requires frequent review of students’ mastery level of goals and objectives. Documentation of student progress allows us to make informed instructional decisions and help to meet accountability purposes in serving our scholars.
+ Steps to take to ensure we are progress monitoring: Take this time today (and next week) to review IEP goals and benchmarks. For each annual goal, review the following three components to be used to measure progress toward meeting the annual goal: -evaluation criteria -procedures -schedules If an IEP benchmark for math says that a portfolio will be collected every quarter, then are you keeping one (a portfolio)? Are you collecting weekly observations? Review IEPs and gather your data for support.
+ Pair Up! Pair up with another sped teacher and choose 2 scholars’ IEPs to review in preparation for Quarter 1 progress monitoring check-ins. Please complete the checklist provided.
+ IEP Quarterly Benchmark Checklist: Due before you leave today. Turn in checklist State the current IEP benchmark Identify the evaluation criteria Example: frequency (e.g., 9 out of 10 trials), duration (e.g., for 20 minutes), accuracy (90% accuracy) Evaluation procedure: Example structured observations of targeted behavior in class, student self-monitoring checklist, written tests, audio-visual recordings, behavior charting, work samples Evaluation Schedule: Each class period, daily, weekly, monthly
+ It’s Already Happening! Many of you are keeping student work folders. Excellent! Take the rest of this time to look through folders and make sure that the work you include reflects the IEP benchmark for the current quarter. If the benchmark focuses on building skills in adding fractions, then, does the work you collect reflect this?
+ Have a great weekend!