IEPs aligned to Common Core State Standards
IEPs Aligned with CCSS Connects a student’s learning to grade level standards and evaluates progress through the lens of the general education curriculum, standards, assessment anchors and curriculum framework. IDEA Partnership January 2014
IEPs Aligned with CCSS Adapted from NASDE
The Best IEPs Consider the Major Shifts in CCSS
What is Needed Beyond UDL? Use Universal Design for Learning initially when planning lessons Consider well thought out Accommodations and Modifications after UDL planning Explain to Parents and All Staff differences between Accommodations and Modifications
After UDL Accommodations Do not change the level of the material/task being presented either in instruction or on a test. Change the way the material is presented or the student is expected to respond. Example: Read text to child, script child’s response. Modifications Lowers the expectation for the task or material being presented Example: A lower level text is presented, the number of questions or items the student is expected to respond to is reduced.
Specially Designed Instruction Adapting as appropriate to the needs of the child the ……….. Content Methodology Delivery of Instruction
8 NASDSE Suggested 6 Steps for a Successful Standards-Based IEP ①Consider the grade-level content standards for the grade in which is enrolled. ②Examine classroom and student data to determine where the student is functioning in relation to the grade level standards. ③Identify the present level of academic achievement and functional performance.
9 NASDSE Suggested 6 Steps for a Successful Standards-Based IEP ④Develop measurable annual goals aligned with grade-level academic content standards. ⑤Assess and report the student’s progress through the year. ⑥Identify specially-designed instruction, including accommodations and/or modifications needed to access and progress in the general education curriculum.
Go to the following links to find examples of standards based goals