EU and enlargement processes
EU Match the words below (1): common acquis Treaty member harmonisation admission single states process to the EU market communautaire of Rome
EU Match the words below (2): apply for single accede to candidate enlargement euro pre-accession process area, zone currency membership funds country the EU
EU Matchings: 1.common market 2.acquis communautaire 3.Treaty of Rome 4.pre-accession funds 5.member states 6.harmonisation process 7.single market 8.apply for membership 9.single currency 10.accede to the EU (join the EU) 11.candidate country 12.enlargement process 13.euro area, euro zone
EU 1.zajedničko tržište 2.pravna stečevina EU 3.Rimski ugovor 4.predpristupni fondovi 5.države članice 6.proces usklađivanja (zakonodavstva) 7.jedinstveno tržište 8.prijaviti se za članstvo u EU 9.jedinstvena valuta 10.pristupiti EU 11.zemlja kandidat 12.proces proširenja 13.eurozona
EU basics When did the European project start? Why was it established? How many members does it have? Who are the member states? What is its aim today?
Fit at 50? (The Economist, 15 March, 2007): Find the right place for the following headings: a)Recent achievements b)Waves of enlargement c)Birth of the EEC d)ECSC, EDC and EEC e)Importance of the economy f)Objection g)EU responsibilities
HISTORY OF ENLARGEMENT (ACCESSION) 1951, 1957 1973 1981 1986 1990* 1995 2004 2007 ?
HISTORY OF ENLARGEMENT (ACCESSION) 1951, 1957Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, West Germany, France, Italy 1973Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom 1981Greece 1986Spain, Portugal 1990*East Germany (reunification) 1995Austria, Sweden, Finland 2004Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta 2007Bulgaria, Romania ?candidate countries (
The quest for prosperity (The Economist, 15 March 07) GENERAL ENGLISH profound gloom transatlantic gap plausible (rival, answer, solution, …) to reap benefits harsh conclusion proponents BUSINESS ENGLISH EC commissioner cyclical upswing wage restraint structural reforms viable (currency, market, project, …) loopholes divergence currency peg two-tier labour market flexible economy
The Eu must speed up its Western Balkans enlargement (W.Petritsch, Europe’s World, 22 Feb 2008 ) volatile region inward investment malaise cross-border cooperation multilateral enlargement fatigue impede subsequently the Reform Treaty pave the way for civil unrest mitigate fallout dire consequences streamlining reinvigorate
The dangers to the EU of condemning Ukraine and Belarus to political limbo (K.Bobinski, BEurope’s World, 22 Feb, 2008) famine prospective candidate nest egg proxy come of age xenophobic