The Great Patriotic War on June, 22nd 1941 г – on May, 9th, 1945 «The purpose of my life is destruction of the Soviet state» Adolf Hitler Выполнили ученицы 9-2 класса 1)Мещерякова Кристина 2)Дешевых Евгения 3)Аляутдинова Дарья
The war beginning: on June, 22nd, 1941 the End of war: on May, 9th, 1945 The war reasons: -Aspiration of Germany to world supremacy - Struggle of imperialistic blocks for commodity markets, sources of raw materials, capital investment spheres. Character of war: war was imperialistic from outside all main capitalist states. For the USSR – fair, emancipating, Aggression pretext - inevitable threat of an attack from outside the USSR.
The first period - from the war beginning on June, 22nd, 1941 till November, 1942, before defeat of fascist forces under Stalingradom. The second period - from defeat of fascist armies under Stalingradom till the end of The third period ( ) - time of solving victories of the Soviet Army over fascist Germany and militaristic Japan when enemy armies have been completely expelled for limits of the USSR and has begun clearing of fascist occupation of the Eastern Europe which has come to the end with full breakdown of Germany and its unconditional surrender.
Strategy of Germany consisted in that large armoured connections to surround the Soviet military connections and with aircraft support, to destroy them in "coppers". The order on the approach beginning through border of the USSR has been signed by Hitler on June, 17th, 1941;
persons, 186 divisions, 19 brigades; 7 divisions, 2 brigades and 11 separate regiments of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs tools and mortars, tanks (including thousand serviceable), warplanes; 182 ships of Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleet The red army had following forces: Intrusion of German armies on territory of the USSR
German armies have occupied: - Lithuania, - Latvia, -Part of Belarus, -Right-bank Ukraine, -Left on distant approaches to Leningrad. -Army losses for first six months of war have made 5 million persons (it more than 9/10 all premilitary number of Red Army). -In 1941 in a captivity it has been grasped 3,9 million Soviet soldiers and officers. The war beginning
-The belostoksko-Minsk battle (on June, 22nd - on July, 8th 1941) -Smolensk battle (on July, 10th - on September, 10th) -Fight for Dubno — Lutsk — Fords (1941) (on June, 24th - on June, 30th 1941) -Fight under Umanju (the end of July — on August, 8th 1941) -Battle for Kiev (on August, 7th - on September, 26th 1941) -Defence of Leningrad and the beginning of its blockade (on September, 8th 1941 — on January, 27th 1944) -The Odessa defence (on August, 5th - on October, 16th 1941) -The beginning of defence of Sevastopol (on October, 4th 1941 — on July, 4th 1942) -The defensive period of the Moscow fight (on September, 30th - on December, 4th 1941) -Environment of 18th army of Southern front (on October, 5-10th 1941) -Fights for Rostov-on-Don (on November, 21-27st 1941) -Kerchensky landing (on December, 26th 1941 — on May, 20th 1942) The basic events of aestivo-autumnal campaign 1941:
Rare figures: Stalin reprisals have carried away: From five marshals — three (A.I.Egorova, M.N.Tuhachevskogo, V.K.Bljuhera); From five commanders — three; From ten commanders of 2nd rank — all; From 57 комкоров — 50; From 186 комдивов — 154; From 456 colonels — 401. Only from May, 1937 till September, 1938 to reprisals have undergone about 40 thousand people of so big losses of the higher and senior command structure and in such short term our army did not bear even during war.
In the General layout of Ost from July, 15th, 1941 differentiation of new territories has been provided as a development basis for 30 years. The Baltic region On the basis of instructions рейхсфюрера СС the policy of development of territories to the east from Germany included first of all development and germanization of following regions: 1) Ingermanlandija (Leningrad region), 2) the Memel-Narva area (area Bialystok and the Western Lithuania). Hitler's plans on use of territories of the USSR (the Plan "OST") Fascists in the future of the won part of the USSR
The end of war At midnight on May, 8th war has come to the end. Operations proceeded 1418 days. Nevertheless, having accepted capitulation, Soviet Union has not signed the world with Germany, that is remained with Germany in a state of war. War with Germany has been ended on January, 25th, 1955 by the edition Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR of the decree «About the termination of a state of war between Soviet Union and Germany». At midnight on May, 8th war has come to the end. Operations proceeded 1418 days. Nevertheless, having accepted capitulation, Soviet Union has not signed the world with Germany, that is remained with Germany in a state of war. War with Germany has been ended on January, 25th, 1955 by the edition Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR of the decree «About the termination of a state of war between Soviet Union and Germany». On June, 24th in Moscow Victory parade has taken place. On passed in July — August, 1945 of the Potsdam conference of heads of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA the arrangement concerning the post-war device of Europe has been reached. On June, 24th in Moscow Victory parade has taken place. On passed in July — August, 1945 of the Potsdam conference of heads of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA the arrangement concerning the post-war device of Europe has been reached.
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