Comprehension Language: Fix-Up Strategies/Monitoring: K-1 (Cont.) Modeled Did that look right, sound right, make sense?… I don’t know this word…let me… Something here isn’t quite right. I can fix it up by: Rereading Reading on Looking at the pictures (Then end explaining how doing that helped) MET/’08 Shared I don’t know this word. What could we try to figure it out? Did that look right, sound right, makes sense? What could we do to fix it? (Follow up each with asking, “How did that help?”, or “How did you know…?”) Guided Prep: What do good readers do when they come to a tricky word? (review strategies) When you are reading I want you to be checking to make sure you are right, and think about how you could figure out the tricky part on your own using your strategies. Prompt: Were you right? What could you try to figure that out? What else could you try? Try that again and think what would look right, sound right, and make sense. Do you know a word like that word that could help you? Produce: Who can share where they used a strategy to figure out a tricky part today? Reflect: Good readers are always checking and using their strategies to fix the trick parts. Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers
Comprehension Language: Fix-Up Strategies/Monitoring: 2-3 Note: (See K-1 list for more word level fix-up) Modeled I didn’t understand… I’m confused about… This didn’t make sense… Fix-Up Strategies Reread-read on Chunk Picture clue Context clue Did it make sense, sound right and look right (Then end explaining how doing that helped and say, “Good readers are always checking and using fix up strategies.”) MET/’08 Shared Did you understand what the author meant here? What could you do to help you understand…? If you were confused here, what could you do? (Follow up each with asking, “How did that help?”, or “How did you know…?”) Guided Prep: What do good readers do when they get confused or don’t understand what they are reading? (review strategies) I really want you thinking about that as you read today. Prompt: Do you get what is happening here? What do they mean by ___? Does that make sense? What should you try if you are confused? Produce: What was the most confusing part to understand in what we read today. Let’s go back a talk about what we did to make sure we understand. (talk through thought process) Reflect: Good readers are always checking to make sure what they read makes sense, and use their strategies when they are confused. Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers
Comprehension Language: Fix-Up Strategies/Monitoring: 4-6 ( Continue to refer to K-1 and 2-3 as needed) Modeled This is a tough word. Let me...(look for a part I know, re-read, read on, check the picture, etc) I’m confused by… so I’m going to…(go back and read it again, read on, check the pictures, consult another source, etc.) That will help me… (Then end explaining how doing that helped and saying “Good readers always monitor to make sure they understand”) MET/’08 Shared There’s a word on this page you may not know. How could we figure this one out? Do you get this part? What can we do to make sure we understand? (Follow up each with asking, “How did that help?”, or “How did you know…?”) Guided Prep: What do good readers do when they get confused or don’t understand what they are reading? (review strategies) I really want you thinking about that as you read today. Prompt: Do you get what is happening here? What do they mean by ___? Does that make sense? What should you try if you are confused? Does it make sense now? Produce: What was the most confusing part to understand in what we read today. Let’s go back a talk about what we did to make sure we understand. (talk through thought process) Reflect: Good readers are always checking to make sure what they read makes sense, and use their strategies when they are confused. Indep. Post-its Double entry journals Buddy sharing Book clubs, literature circles Response journals Graphic organizers