On 01 September 1999, according to the guidelines of the reform of education, Junior High School in Korycin started its activity.
We have got nice classrooms, including 2 computer labs equipped with modern computers, a library with a reading room and a large gym.
As a school community we consider that moral attitude and values instilled in our students are very important for people. Dignity, freedom, responsibility are fundamental principles of the activity of our school’s patron which is the social movement „Solidarity”.
We organize excursions which has a purpose: Getting to know the patron of our school. While visiting Gdańsk – the cradle of „Solidarity”, or the Museum of Poznań June -1956, you cannot forget about dignity and people’s freedom, as well as the responsibility for ourselves, the surroundings, our Homeland and our image in the world.
While singing the school anthem our students pledge: „To serve the God and Homeland, to join hands over violence, to carry hope over violence”. These are the meaningful words we often refer to. We consider they oblige us to take care of a good atmosphere at our school.
A school of a good choice – the essentials of addiction prevention Korycin Community and its inhabitants in yellowed photographs Resposibility in the context of children’s rights Freedom in the context of students’ rights Culinary heritage of the inhabitants of Korycin Community Leave drama and tragedy for the theatre –the government programme„Together safer”” Signs of faith and memory” – documentation and registration of crosses and roadside shrines School with children’s rights – Unicef „Development through competences” – the project realised within the confines of the contest of Ministry of National Education, University in Białystok and COMBIDATA, Poland
In the school year 2013/2014 we started the European educational programme Comenius in cooperation with the partner schools from Romania, Turkey and Spain.
Białystok Gmina Korycin Warszawa
Poland is a country located in the centre of Europe. (Geographical centre is in Suchowola, in Podlasie province). It boarders with the Baltic Sea in the north, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine in the east, the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the south and Germany in the west. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. It is situated in the centre of the country on the Vistula River. Polish history is full of beautiful and moving but tragic events. Many patriots fought and died in the battles for freedom. Our Poland exists thanks to them.
Commune of Korycin is a charming part of Podlasie placed between Knyszyn on one side and Biebrzanski National Park on the other. We can see chances for development, agriculture is famous for strawberry plantations, good communication position over 30 km of Bialystok. Korycin in famous for Strawberry Days, Milk Half-Marathon and very good cheese.
“The Strawberry Days” is the festival organized here every last weekend of June since 2008.
Our Commune is famous for its regional product – Korycinski cheese which is also called the Swiss cheese. It is promoted during “The Cheese Days” every year in August.
Come and see!!!!!