Supported by WHO and the Health Department of the Government of Catalonia in Barcelona 3rd International Conference of INEBRIA Lisbon, 26th – 28th October 2006 Aim To promote wide implementation of brief interventions in a variety of settings for hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption at local, national and international levels. Objectives To share information, experiences, research findings and expertise in the area of alcohol brief interventions. To facilitate training on brief interventions and provide assistance to countries and institutions to adapt and implement brief interventions, particularly with regard to the transfer of knowledge and technology from high income to low income countries. To promote best practice and develop guidelines for the wide dissemination and implementation of brief interventions. To identify gaps and needs for research in the field of alcohol brief interventions, promote international research co- operation and set standards for research in this field. To integrate the study of brief interventions with the wider context of measures to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm. To pay particular attention to the needs of young people in relation to alcohol brief interventions. Who can participate and how Membership is open: to any individual with demonstrated experience in the area of brief interventions for alcohol problems, either from undertaking research or having implemented interventions in one or more settings. to any individual with a bona fide and active interest in conducting research on or implementing in practice alcohol brief interventions to individuals (not institutions) although individuals may be recognised as representing their institution’s interest in alcohol brief interventions. Background Following on from Phase IV of the WHO Collaborative Project on Identification and Management of Alcohol-related Problems in Primary Health Care and related projects, a group of researchers have got together to form an international network of people interested in promoting alcohol screening and brief interventions across the world. Inebria Conferences Inebria has already organized two conferences. The Inaugural one was held in Barcelona, on 20th-21st October 2004 and the Second one in Münster on 15th-16th September Various internationally renowned speakers such as Peter Anderson, Tom Babor, Mats Berglund, Cheryl Cherpitel, Joan Colom, Antoni Gual, Nick Heather and Mark Willenbring brought the audience up to date on the current state of theory and practice of brief interventions for alcohol problems. For further information about INEBRIA: or WHO Organization: The conference will be hosted by Dr. Maria Joao Heitor dos Santos and Dr. Cristina Ribeiro, General Directorate of Health – Lisbon (Portugal) and will be organized with the support of WHO and the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia, that holds the Inebria Secretariat. Speakers: include Peter Anderson, Cheryl Cherpitel, Joan Colom, Antoni Gual, Nick Heather, Peter Miller, Kaija Seppä and Mark Willenbring among others. More details of the conference at