10/31/2015B.Ramamurthy1 Final Review CSE487/587 B.Ramamurthy
10/31/2015B.Ramamurthy2 Place and Time Date: 5/13/2014 Time: Place: 101 Davis + another room for undergrads Please bring Pencils, pens and erasers. Closed book exam
Topics Lin and Dyer text analsysis MR: Chapter 5: Graph Algorithms & Page Rank Chapter 4: Inverted index Doing data science: Chapter 4: Bayesian & Bayesian classification Chapter 5: Logit & logistic regression Pig: free version is available online: Chapters 1-5; classnotes Miscellaneous: Hive, Hbase, Project 2 10/31/2015B.Ramamurthy3
Exam Format 6 questions on the topics mentioned in the last slide Each question will have subsections We will know more details on Thursday’s class 10/31/2015B.Ramamurthy4
How to study? Class notes Pig : given a problem simple script Bayesian: given a simple word problem apply Bayes to get the answer to a question; Bayesian classifcation Logistic regression: Given a problem determine odds Graphs algorithms, page rank, inverted index?? Misc: Why Hive? Why and when Hbase: Suitability… 10/31/2015B.Ramamurthy5