Note Information in this presentation is derived from Insurance for Dummies by Jack Hungelmann. I highly recommend this book.
Odds of a house burning down: 1 in 1,200 Source: But there is more to home insurance than fire insurance
Coverage A: Damage to residence B: Damage to detached structures C: Damage, theft of personal property at home or anywhere D: Living costs (e.g., hotel, meals) E: Non-vehicle personal liability for injuries/property damage at home and anywhere F: Medical payments to guests injured on your property
Bottom Line: Insure for 100 percent of the replacement cost of the property Long story short, if you do not at least insure for 80%, you may not be fully insured in the event of partial damage (e.g., kitchen fire). Keep in mind, if you pay, say $300,000 for a house, that cost includes the land. If your house is appreciating each year, you may need to increase the insurance
Very Important Coverage! Covers liability for injuries and property damage, lawsuits, defending lawsuits, covering most non-vehicle personal liability worldwide
You hit the catcher with a baseball bat playing baseball You spill a drink on the neighbor’s living room carpet ruining the carpet
General Rule: Set the personal liability on homeowner’s at the same level you set liability on other policies (e.g., auto) Rationale: nobody knows where a law suit or injury may come from
Earthquakes, tremors, landslides, sinking or shifting Water that enters the house at or below ground level (e.g., sewer backup, flood) War
1. What is the maximum annual out-of-pocket expenses? 2. Are there any limits on any expenses such as a specific surgery or room charges? 3. Can you see a specialist without a referral? 4. Is the coverage worldwide?
1. Liability Coverage (injury and property) 2. Medical Payments (for you) 3. Collision and Comprehensive (your vehicle) 4. Uninsured/Under-insured
Covers 1. Lawsuits: suability factor is important pays for your defense legal judgments Lost wages Pain and suffering 2. Medical Expenses
Example 1Example 2Example 3 Injury limit per person $50,000$100,000$250,000 Injury limit per accident $100,000$300,000$500,000 Property damage limit per accident $25,000$50,000$100,000
Who you hit matters!
TeacherPro Athlete Lost Wages$50,000$2,000,000 Pain and Suffering $150,000$1,000,000 Medical Expenses$100,000 Total Claim$300,000$3,100,000
... consider buying an Umbrella Policy
Buy a safe vehicle- test crash results Choose high collision and compr. deductibles Keep a clean driving record Maintain a high credit score Insure your car and home with the same company Don’t submit small claims on property damage Study– G.P.A of 3.0 or greater