Eurosupport is developing computer-assisted counselling tools for utilization in HIV health care settings to support PLHIV to adopt safer sex. The intervention (‘Computerised Intervention for Safer Sex’ or CISS) is based on the evidence found in ES5 and guided by behavioural theories. The CISS will undergo rigorous evaluation (experimental design). If found effective, the materials will be available and disseminated in the form of a training and resource package for European Health Care Providers. More information at: Introduction Discussing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with health care providers is an important component of supporting people living with HIV (PLHIV) in reducing HIV transmission risk behaviour, yet it requires providers’ skills and confidence in services. Eurosupport V compared regional differences of sexual risk behaviour and selected aspects of service delivery in a European context. Results Total: 1549 respondents (75% men, 25% women). Questionnaires were disproportionally distributed over regions: Western Europe (W-E): 63% Southern-Europe (S-E): 20% Central/Eastern Europe (CE-E): 17% Methods The Information-motivation-behavioral skills model (IMB) guided the cross-sectional research. Data collection: – Between March – October 03-10/ 07 – Among consecutive patients in 17 treatment centres in 14 European countries – Using an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. Ethical approval and informed consent procedures were obtained. Variable definitions: –Sexual Risk behaviour: “At least one unprotected vaginal/anal sex contact in the past 6 months” –Sexual Pressure: “Ever pressured, forced, or intimidated into unwanted sexual activities” Result summary Significant differences were found between the regions: Sexual and Reproductive Health: ever been forced into sexual activities (higher in CE-E), and satisfaction with sexual functioning (lower in W-E). Service Provision: patients from Central and Eastern Europe felt more discriminated; also differences were found in satisfaction with HIV-services. Conclusions Need for a tailored and culturally specific approach across Europe Better integration of SRH and prevention services might improve service delivery for men, women and couples living with HIV. Need for supportive environments free of discrimination that allow for discussing safer sex freely with service providers. Next step: Eurosupport 6 THPE0579 Eurosupport 5: Regional differences in service provision for people living with HIV in Europe. Tom Platteau 1, Danica Stanekova 2, Zbigniew Izdebski 3, Nikos Dedes 4, Joanna Dec 3, Christiana Nöstlinger 1, & the Eurosupport V Study Group 1 Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Microbiology, Antwerp, Belgium; 2 National Reference Centre for HIV/Aids Prevention, Bratislava, Slovak Rep; 3 University of Zielona Gora, Zielona Gora, Poland; 4 SYNTHESIS, Athens, Greece Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp Nationalestraat 155, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium Tel Fax Eurosupport 5 Partners: Service Provision Results Sexual and Reproductive Health Results This study was supported by grant nr This poster reflects solely the authors’ view. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information provided herein. Contact: Study limitations Results are not representative of the general population of PLHIV in Europe Data are self-reported and voluntary participation may have biased study results No causal inferences can be made due to the study design Statistical analysis Performing bi-variate analysis (Chi squares and Kruskal-Wallis tests), we identified variables that differed significantly between the regions. Data analysis was performed using SPPS 16.0.