Lesson Plans Week 3 M. Unser English Grade 7 September 15-19, 2014
Monday Warm-Up Use your device or a dictionary to define the following words: –reprobate –penitentiary –masonic
Monday, September 15 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4TSW read to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words 7.5 TSW identify the elements of narrative structure Mini lesson: Text Connections Read pages 5-16 Stop and make 5 connections on your chart paper.
Tuesday Warm-Up Use your device or a dictionary to define the following words: philanthropist pauper codger
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.5 TSW describe elements of narrative structure: character development Smartboard Mini Lesson: Characterization Copy Character Chart on back of connections paper Read and discuss pages Make text connections Fill in character web for Grandma with your Learning Team.
Wednesday Warm-Up Use your device or a dictionary to define the following words: –forage cap –lolled –tarry
Wednesday September 17, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.5 TSW describe elements of narrative structure Mini Lesson: What good reader’s do/Reciprocal Teaching roles –Predicting –Connecting –Summarizing –Interrogating Read pages with learning teams. Fill out the reciprocal teaching chart with your learning teams as your exit ticket.
Thursday Warm-Up! Find and edit the five errors in the following sentences: “Was that Effie again? Never trust a ugly woman. Her’s got a grudge against the world” said grandma, who was no oil paynting herself.
Thursday, September 18, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.5 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts; elements of fiction 7.7 TSW write in a variety of forms with an emphasis on exposition, narration, and persuasion Writer’s Workshop –Writer’s Heart Visit the library to check out books
Friday Warm-Up Name five things that you remember from Chapter 1: Shotgun Cheatham’s Last Night Above Ground; 1929.
Friday, September 12, 2014 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call 7.1 TSW participate in and contribute to group discussions 7.4 TSW read to determine meaning of unfamiliar words 7.5 TSW read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts Review of Chapter 1 Quiz on Chapter 1 Silent Reading or ISOs