Why is lesson planning important ? Principles for good lesson planning Aim be realistic not the things teachers intend to do, but what the students are able to do by the end of the lesson. Variety different types of activities and a wide selection of materials Flexibility extra and alternative tasks and activities to cope with unexpected situations Learnability Contents and tasks should be within the learning capability of the students. Linkage stages and steps are linked so that the lesson transits smoothly
Macro planning vs. micro planning ● Macro-: planning over a longer period of time, done by a group of teacher / Micro-: planning for a specific lesson, done by individual teachers / no clear cut, a continuum with different levels ● Macro planning involves knowing about: ● the profession ● the institution ● the learners ● the curriculum/syllabus ● the textbook ● the objectives
Components of a lesson plan Background information Teaching aimsaims Language contents and skills Stages and procedures Teaching aids End of lesson summary Optional activities and assignments After lesson reflection
Sample lesson plans (p.61)