English Learner Supports Professional Development 12/12/12 By: Marco Samaniego
Today’s Purpose Share how I am addressing parent concerns of ELs Develop understanding of LTELs Continue our evidentiary work in implementing SDAIE, QTEL, and other learning/teaching strategies into daily lessons.
Agenda Update ELAC work and parent concerns / trainings (10min) Long Term English Learners (LTELs)(35 min) Definition Characteristics of LTELs What Works? Reading My work with our LTELs Top EL strategies to incorporate into every lesson [Make it Take lab] (45 min) Review top 10 researched EL teaching strategies Academic Language Development (ALD). Sentence Frames (Discussion starters using the content specific terms) Create/ adapt lesson plans to incorporate at least 3 strategies into every lesson
ELAC Work and Parent Concerns How can I know when my student is not doing homework/classwork/etc. or know my child’s grades? How can I communicate to teachers that do not speak my language (the parent’s language)? Are teachers using EL strategies you talk about? My son/daughter says that they do not understand some or most of the instruction.
ELAC Work and Parent Trainings ELAC Parent Training – ParentConnect (taught 12/5/12) Parents now can access grades/homework/etc… Please use Zangle ELAC Parent Training - Google Translate (taught 12/5/12) Parents now know how they can translate from primary language (not Somali) to English.Google Translate Classroom Visitations – Looking at EL student participation (student self motivation) – Lesson Observation Tool (I know how I may support you)
LTEL Definition Enrolled in any of grades 6-12, inclusive Enrolled in U.S. schools for more than 6 yrs. Remain at the same proficiency level for two or more consecutive years as determined by CELDT. Score Far Below Basic or Below Basic on the ELA standardized achievement test
SDUSD Data ,427
Bell Middle Site Data* *Includes Students identified as Special Ed and EL
Characteristics of LTEL 1. Struggle academically 2. Distinct language issues 3. High functioning in social situations 4. Weak academics & gaps in literacy skills 5. Learned passivity
What Works? Reparable Harm by Laurie Olsen Reading with a Focus: pgs (3min. Silent reading) What should Long Term English Learners be getting in school? Share your understandings with a partner.
Task: Fist Bump My Top 3 Effective practices for supporting Long Term English Learners are 1____ 2.____ 3.____. 1.Participants write out the three sentences from the slide 2. Everyone stands and finds a partner (to fist bump) 3.Partners take turns reading aloud their writing 4.Find a new partner and the cycle continues.
What Works? Reparable Harm by Laurie Olsen Reading with a Focus: pgs Collaborative Reflection What are Bell’s strengths and areas of need with regard to the basic principles of instruction for Long Term English Learners?
Our LTEL Numbers* (*No SPED Students) Known LTELs Watch List 6 th graders th graders th graders 95 Total 3511 TOTAL OVERALL: 46 Students
6 th Grade LTEL’s AliSuhaib6 AlvarezStephanie6 Cardona-MartinezIsaac6 CruzAlexi6 De La moraSahara6 GodinezAaron6 GomezFernando6 GonzalezBrian6 JimenezKassandra 6 LopezLeonardo 6 MedinaTheresa 6 Millan AispuroLuis 6 VallesErick 6 VelazquezYamile 6 No SPED ChaviraBrisheira6 GarciaKalid6 InzunzaKarina6 ChaviraBrisheira6 AT RISK to become LTEL 18
7 th Grade LTELs BigalbalVirgil7 BrayBrian7 CalderonOscar7 GasparDavid7 JavierNia Nicole7 LoraFabian7 MorenoDaisy MuseAbdikadar OrtaKevin PayawalMark Dave RuizJonathan SanchezLizeth No SPED SanchezAshly7 VillalobosApril7 14
8 th Grade LTELs AlshaheriAdam8 BarriosViviana8 ChavezRicardo8 FacioDavid8 No SPED Hernandez-Maciel Jymmy8 KhounborinVictoria8 LorenzanaLazaro8 NurAlia8 PenaVeronica8 QuizonIvan Laurence8 QuizonJohn8 RiveraJuan Ricardo8 Rodriguez-PadillaIvonne8 SarioTracy8 14
My Work with our LTELs Meet with 6 th and 7 th grade students once every 3 weeks during their lunch Share individual English benchmark scores Review the standards that are missing Make individual goals to know/ understand/ learn specific standards Keep record of all assessments and goals Make myself available to each student – via google phone number forward to my cell
Top 10 EL Instructional Strategies Visuals Images Drawings Body cues Think – Pair- Share (structured talk time) Shared Reading (Group reading – teacher lead) Think aloud (metacognition) Word Wall (Key Vocabulary) Front Loading (Vocabulary) Chunking Texts Cues Questions Graphic Organizers Access Prior Learning (KWhL) Summarization Sentence Frames (Discussion Starters)
Word Walls and Discussion Starters Wolfe – Math Word Strip Galloway – Math Discussion Frames
Sentence Frames & Word Wall Galloway – Math Sentence FramesHodge – Word Wall – Key Vocab
Picture Vocab –w/Sentence Frames Example of ELD grammar lesson – Ordinal Adjectives and present tense verbs
Outcome: End Product Please use either word wall – key vocabulary OR Sentence / Discussion Frames and at least 2 other strategies to include in your daily lessons plans. Incorporate these strategies in your plans. This means that you create your sentence frames or vocabulary terms for your next unit /lesson. OPEN the One Note attachment from today’s