Short-term economic statistics in the Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service Igor Uliyanov OECD Short-term Economic Statistics Working Party June 2007 Paris
The Soviet economic statistics − The Soviet infra-annual statistics was not oriented to reveal and analyse month-to-month changes Reforms in 90ies − in 1992 Russian statisticians started to calculate industrial production index and producer price index − in retail turnover index, real wage index and investments in fixed assets index
In 1998 unified questionnaires for large-scale and medium-sized enterprises of all types of economic activities were introduced in Russian short-term economic statistics: “Data on the production of goods and services” monthly questionnaire “Data on the investments” quarterly questionnaire “Data on the financial position of enterprises” monthly questionnaire “Data on number, wages and movement of employees” monthly questionnaire Questionnaires for enterprises
Key short-term indicators Turnover Shipments of goods produced and invoiced services provided End-of-month orders for products and services Production by products Industrial production index Producer price index Production volume in construction Production index in construction Completion of construction of buildings and civil engineering
Key short-term indicators Retail trade turnover Retail trade turnover index Volume of services sold to households Index of services sold to households Average number of employees Accrued wages. Welfare payments Number of hours worked by employees
Key short-term indicators Accounts receivables and payables, liabilities on credits and loans Long-term and short-term financial investments of enterprises Investments into fixed assets Investments into fixed assets index Profit before profit tax Profitability
Selected Short-Term Indicators in the Russian Federation (December 1995 = 100) Industrial productionReal wageAccounts payables per 1 ruble of accounts receivablesProfitability.Jan. 92 Jan.05 Jan.94 Jan.95 Jan.96 Jan.97Jan.98Jan.99Jan.00Jan.01Jan.02Jan.03Jan.04 Jan.06 Jan.93Jan.07
Short-term indicators that are not used in Russia Rosstat compiles the most short-term indicators, listed in the EU Council Regulation No 1165/98 of on the short-term statistics. The exceptions are the following variables that are not in use in Russia: - breakdown of the turnover into domestic and non- domestic; - producer prices separately for the domestic and non- domestic markets; - production of building construction and production of civil engineering separately; - new orders for construction; - building permits; - construction costs, including material costs and labor costs.
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