Health- the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social health -being healthy means knowing various strategies when making decisions related to health needs and risks of young adults Wellness- an overall state of well-being, or total health
Premature Death High Level of Health -Your health can be measured on a sliding scale, with many degrees of health and wellness. -Your health is constantly changing and you can be at any point on the health continuum at any time.
Lifestyle Factors Wellness and Prevention Health Education Nation’s Health Goals Health Literacy
Personal behaviors related to the way a person lives Can be positive or negative depending on choices positiveNegative
Practicing health and safety habits to remain free from disease and injury
Providing accurate health information to help people make healthy choices This is why you are taking this class!! Our job is to provide you with information so you can make healthy choices
Healthy People nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States. Healthy People Improving the Health of Americans Healthy People Improving the Health of Americans
A person’s capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services. › Critical thinker and problem solver › Responsible, productive citizen › Self-directed learner › Effective communicator