By Nakwan & Uziel WHITE RHINO
SCIENTIFIC AND COMMON NAME Ceratotherium Simum White Rhinoceros
NATURAL HABITAT Africa's grassy plains
CHARACTERIZES Type: Mammal Diet: Herbivores so they eat plants Size: Head and body, 11 to ft. tail, 20 to 27.5 in Weight: 3,168 to 7,920 lbs. Protection status: Endangered
INTERESTING FACTS Solitary Animal When feeling tired, the rhino rests in groups
“WHY THE WHITE RHINO IS ENDANGERED?” Poachers (people that kill animals in exchange for money) are killing the rhinos for their tusk. They use the tusk to make fancy accessories for people around the world. This has brought the rhino population down. With only 5,000 remaining in the world.
INTERESTING FACTS White Rhino is the second largest animal in the world, it can way up to 2 tons The front horn is from 90 to 150 cm long The rhinos ears independently which helps the white rhino to pick up more sensitive sounds but the white rhino depends most of all on its sense of smell. The white rhino, like other species of rhino has extremely poor eyesight for such a large animal. Two different types of White Rhinos exist, The Southern and The Northern Only 6 northern white rhinos left in the world
QUIZ 1.Are they herbivores or carnivores? 2.Are the mammals or lizards? 3.How much do they weigh? 4.How many are left in the world? 5.How long is the front horn?