ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting December 17, Family Engagement 2.Recycling and Compost in ASP 3.Bridging the Bay Student Performers 4.Region IV Stem Cohort 5.Instructional Aide Exam 6.CDE FAQs on website 7.Summer Program meeting Reminder 8.EMS build out Recommendations 9.Restorative Practice 10.A new day for Snack 11.Breakouts: High school: Attendance Elementary/Middle: What is your late pick up policy?
Bridging the Bay Student Performers Deadline: Dec 28th The Region 4 Annual Bridging the Bay After School Conference (February 1-2, 2013) is just around the corner and they are looking for student performers to join us for this Bay Area event. Each performance is anticipated to last minutes. There is a $100 stipend for each student performance organization. Approximately 4 student performance groups for each day. If your group has some students interested in performing on Friday 2/1 OR Saturday 2/2, please click the link below.
Region IV- POWER OF DISCOVERY STEM 2 – Needs & Readiness Assessment (NRA) and Framework for Quality STEM - January – Inquiry-based Teaching Strategies and Staff Capacity - February – Free and low cost resources – February – Resources with costs – March – Design challenges - March – Alignment with School Day/Common Core- TBD
Instructional Aide Exam- Substitute Pool Results were ed to exam participates on Monday, Dec 17 th. Please contact your DC for results if you did not receive an . DCs will provide list to Lead Agency. Certificates will be sent out in late December/January to exam participants. Responsibility of Lead Agency to collect documentation for their records and to ensure that EMS is updated. Those who passed, were invited to apply to the SFUSD substitute pool Those who needed to retake any or all sections, will be contacted.
CDE – FAQs – Allowable Costs In cases such as educational field trips, where it is not immediately clear whether a cost is allowable. CDE interprets “allowable costs” to mean that as long as the grantee and/or the contractors are able to document and demonstrate that a particular event is part of a lesson plan that has specifically stated educational objectives, it can be allowed. However, all allowable expenses are determined by the auditor based on the documentation for a particular event that shows the costs to be necessary and reasonable.
CDE- FAQs – Professional Days Three (3) days per year for the purpose of providing professional development to program staff using funds from the local grant award. Student attendance cannot be counted on the days the program is not in operation. Parents must be notified in advance of the planned professional development days to allow ample time for them to make alternative arrangements for their child(ren) for the after school hours on these designated days. All professional development training must be included in the program plan and listed on an annual calendar.
CDE-FAQ – Drop In The Legislature intended that elementary students attend the full program and participate in the entire program: nutritious snack, homework help/tutoring, academic support and enrichment. The reality is that not all students will attend the full program every day, hence the flexibility allowed via an early-release policy. The after school component was never intended to be a drop-in, child care, or elective program. The goal of the after school component is to support student success in school through academic support and enrichment.
Summer Planning Workgroup December 21 st 10-12noon – 20 Cook St Prior to the meeting, please check in with your site(s) principal and determine: – Maximum Summer enrollment number – Interest in being a host site to consolidate schools – Interest in merging with a school nearby ExCEL will have list of school sites that will be open. Custodial costs were very high last summer so we have to consolidate sites. Sign up for the Summer Cohort opportunity.
EMS Build Out Recommendations Sign In Sheet Workgroup – 15 of 16 recommendations approved. – To be implemented January 7 th : last name listed first AND addition of Instructor and time to Groups function – All others will go into effect May (in preparation for Summer Programming). Other Build Outs: – Match Fund, Lead Teacher and Program Fee build outs should be available by end of – Inventory Tracking should be completed by mid to end of March 2013)
Restorative Practices in ASP Components of a program that integrates restorative practices values and concept includes: Using the circle process to build community Shift away from traditional/punitive discipline practices Embrace the concept of doing things "with" one another and creating a sense of inclusion and shared responsibility Use restorative questions to repair harm and restore community Use circle process to address larger behavior issues and respond to harm
Restorative Practices in ASP Each ExCEL After School Program will be required to complete a self assessment by March 2013 and by May 2012 develop a plan to incorporate the four components above into the program.
RP ComponentHow integrate into program Using the circle process to build community Integrate the circle process into staff meetings at least once a month. Integrate circle process into after school program at least once a month. Incorporate into one after school event for families and friends Shift away from traditional/punitive discipline practices Review behavior policies and revise to incorporate less punitive practices Embrace the concept of doing things "with" one another and creating a sense of inclusion and shared responsibility Review parent, student, staff agreements (or develop if don’t exist) and incorporate the concept of inclusion and shared responsibility. Build the agreements into activities. Use restorative questions to repair harm and restore community Incorporate into conflict resolution processes. Use circle process to address larger behavior issues and respond to harm Incorporate into conflict resolution processes.
The Dates for Restorative Practice are as follows: Each Thursday in January and February from 9:00 – 4:00 A maximum of 25 persons per training. Further information will be sent and posted regarding registration via regarding location ExCEL is expecting a maximum of 3 persons per site/CBO *It is the responsibility of the Site Coordinator/CBO to provide a substitute to cover the program during training hours
Ing Ch-ch-ch-ch-CHANGES ARE COMING TO ExCEL SNACK... “To strengthen academic performance, we must promote good eating habits and provide access to high-quality, nutritious food that appeals to our diverse community of students.” Richard Carranza SFUSD Superintendent
Ch-ch-ch-ch-CHANGES ARE COMING TO ExCEL SNACK... GROUP & SHARE: Celebrate! This a game changer and provides a foundation for healthier environments. PAIR and SHARE- what is your expectation, how will this affect your program? Game On! Not all change creates intended outcomes- how can we COACH to support positive outcomes?
Ch-ch-ch-ch-CHANGES ARE COMING... JANUARY To Do’s: Continue to support healthy after school environments. Implement ways to make SNACK intentional, educational, etc. Promote Harvest of the MONTH- Citrus. Plan a HEALTHY Valentine Activity/Party to celebrate Heart Health Month. Let Amy know if you want to participate in a SNACK/Nutrition Workgroup. Additional Updates: Wellness Policy Revision