Max Smith, Sonam Nguyen, Remy Hamilton the fate of the world’s population is in the blood of one man.
SYNOPSIS A man wakes up from a dream of his past. He is the last man left alive. A normal society crumbles after contamination of water sources. people become increasingly unwell and those who survive the poisoning become violent and aggressive. Jesse is the only known person to be immune to this unknown disease. He takes responsibility for finding a cure and survivors. He must use survival skills in order to complete his mission and help as many remaining people as he can including his friends and loved ones. Evading the constant threat of a third party organisation of scientists trying to capture him and extract his DNA for the cure.
3 ACT STRUCTURE Equilibrium: It opens in a perfect utopian world. The main character Jesse narrates his past with his partner until their lives are disrupted. This section is filmed in the past and in black and white to represent this time as a memory. Disequilibrium: The protagonist’s eyes open and the film becomes colour. This symbolises when he wakes up in the present. His narration explains how the water in the world has become contaminated with a poisonous chemical that kills most of the population. Those who are alive are corpse-like and bed ridden. Society has broken down and we learn that Jesse is immune to the water contamination and that he is on a mission to get the cure. He has to evade government scientists who are after him as his blood contains the cure. New Equilibrium: Jesse defends himself from scientists and makes it to a safe house of survivors who know how to develop a cure without killing him. Society can now be rebuilt.
We chose this typeface because it looks run down and dystopian The title hints at the plot of the film without giving too much away The black speckles on the typeface represent the infected bacteria in the plot of our production
UNIQUE SELLING POINT Our unique selling point is the post-modernism element of the production. For example, “specialist” (Indie) cinema-go-ers who enjoy seeing camera work and editing that does not conform to traditional film styles. Methods like using black and white as well as slow motion will be the key to our attraction.
TREATMENT OF FILM To start our production flash backs and memories will be conveyed through black and white whilst when the chronology shifts to the present it will be shown in full colour. This is similar to the post production used in Kill Bill. Water references in the trailer will be made in slow motion. This will tease the audience and emphasise the impact the water has to the plot.
CHARACTERISATION Our protagonist, Jesse Foster, is a American male living in the United Kingdom. He is 20 years old and studying marine biology at University. He lives with his Girlfriend, Sarah, who is studying sociology at the same university. The characterisation for Jesse is not a physical trait but is the fact that he is immune to the water contamination. Other surviving characters have to wear protective equipment in order to prevent infection. Jesse does not. This allows him to always be recognised by the audience because of his attire.
RECCE (MISE-EN- SCENE) LOCATIONS: Preston Park – This will be the location where Jesse wakes up alones and then realises someone is after him so he has to run away. Rottingdean Cliffs – We will shoot a clip of Jesse running away from the scientist by using a tracking shot. Hastings Castle – We will film Jesse running through the arch by using a pan shot. Brighton Seafront – This will be the shot of the couple walking along the beach together. There will also be a shot of the waves and the couple sitting on the beach. They will represent a memory by being in black and white.
PROPS AND COSTUME: Baseball bat Wallet (with picture) Glass Book to write in Test tube with pipette In the scenes showing Jesse’s memories, he will be wearing a pretty smart/normal clothing. He’ll wear a shirt because he is on a date with his (ex) girlfriend. Throughout the trailer he will then be wearing a ripped, dirty white top because he is alone and everything got ruined during the contamination.
When the water becomes contaminated the fate of the world’s population is in the blood of one man.