JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.1 The PERMIS Authorisation Infrastructure David Chadwick
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.2 What is PERMIS? It is an authorisation infrastructure that takes care of all aspects of authorisation Setting authorisation policies for computer resources i.e. specifying who is allowed to do what to which resources Allocating credentials to users (as attributes or roles e.g. professor, RA, PhD student etc.) Supports Distributed Credential Management (many trusted people can be empowered to allocate credentials to users) Supports Dynamic Delegation of Authority i.e. allowing a user with a specific credential to give it to someone else as and when he wants to (without reference to a higher authority) if the Delegation Policy allows it Makes access control decisions i.e. does the policy allow this user to do what he is asking to do? Supports Hierarchical Role Based Access Controls, where superior roles automatically inherit the privileges of subordinate roles Very secure, since policies and credentials are digitally signed
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.3 PERMIS Authorisation System Initiator Target Submit Access Request Present Access Request decision request/response Appln PEP Authentication Service LDAP Directories Retrieve Policy and Role ACs (pull) PKI Retrieve Role ACs (push) PDP The PERMIS Java API STS getcreds request/response SAML Wrapper GGF OGSA SAML Authz protocol PUSH User Credentials User Credentials
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.4 Creating Authorisation Policies Policies are specified in XML so that they can be understood by the PERMIS PDP (Policy Decision Point) Policies are digitally signed by their creator so that they cannot be tampered with, and so that the PDP knows it has a genuine policy Use the Policy Editor tool, a GUI that allows you create simple PERMIS policies easily –Hides XML from creator –Displays policy in natural language –Signs and stores policy in creator’s LDAP entry
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.5 Policy Editor
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.6 A Simple Policy All staff in the department can write files to laser printer x, Jim the administrator can write files, delete any files from the print queue, pause the printing, and resume the printing at the laser printer x. No-one else is allowed access to the printer.
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.7
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JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.9 Allocating Credentials to Users Credentials are stored as digitally signed attribute certificates (ACs) in LDAP directories –So that PERMIS PDP knows they are genuine –Allows distributed management. Different managers at different sites can allocate different credentials to the same or different users. Think of Plastic Cards! Three tools provided to do this Bulk loader –script to search LDAP, find entries, add ACs to them Attribute Certificate Manager –Graphical Interface for creating ACs and storing in LDAP Delegation Issuing Service –Web service for issuing ACs
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.10 Distributed Management of Credentials LDAP Directory Policy ADF The PERMIS PMI API PERMIS API Implementation LDAP Directory LDAP Directory Attribute Certificates The Boss (Source of Authority) Trusted Site Managers Push Mode Pull Mode Application Gateway LDAP Directory
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.11
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.12
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.13 What Applications are Supported “out of the box” Any Globus Toolkit v3.3 and v4 application (configured authorisation service) Any Shibboleth enabled application or portal (commands to plug into httpd.conf) Any Apache web site (commands to plug into httpd.conf) For other applications you need to write the PEP and call PERMIS via its Java API
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.14 Futures More sophisticated RBAC features such as Separation of Duties (DyCOM project) Dynamic Recognition of Authority Secure Audit Web Service Simple SAM –PERMIS for Shibboleth sites that don’t want strong cryptographic protection of their policies
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.15 Dynamic Delegation of Authority Additional Info
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.16 Delegating Credentials in X.509 (2001) Bill Alice Bob SOA AA Issues AC to Issues AC to End Entity AC Points to issuer Points to holder
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.17 Bill Alice Bob SOA AA End Entity Issues AC to Issues AC to Delegation Issuing Service (DIS) Issues AC to AC Points to issuer Points to holder Points to Issued On Behalf Of The X.509 (2005) Delegation Service Policy Delegation Policy
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.18 Credential LDAP server Authenticate DIS Client (SSL) DIS PEP IssueAC Web service interface publishAC PERMIS RBAC Credential Validation Service PDP Sign AC Delegation Issuing web Service Request Authorisation Delegation Issuing Policy Issuer’s AC Issue AC -holder -attributes -validity time
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.19 DIS Web Service Authentication e.g. SSL or Un/Pw Apache Web browser Web Service Interface Demonstration - Browser Access to DIS Delegation Issuing Policy LDAP
JISC Middleware Security Workshop 20/10/05© 2005 University of Kent.20 Demonstration - Apache with PERMIS RBAC Authorisation Apache Server Apache Authentication mod_ permis JNI connector PDP The PERMIS API CVS Credential LDAP Server Pull ACs LDAP Directory Authzn Policy User request PERMIS Protected Resource