POPULATION The indigenous population was people or 2.5% of the total Australian population. This population is estimated to increase by 13% Percentage of the total indigenous population living in a state or territory Percentage of the state or territory’s total population that is indigenous. NSW Victoria Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory ACT This table shows the percentage of total indigenous population living in a state or territory.
Location of indigenous peoples by remoteness Major Cities32% Inner-regional21% Outer-regional22% Remote9% Very Remote15% The majority of indigenous people live in major cities and inner or outer regional areas of Australia. However, the proportion of indigenous people that live in remote or very remote areas is much higher than for the non indigenous population.
HEALTH In 1996, Indigenous life expectation was estimated to be 59.4 years for male, 64.8 years for female. In the year 2000, the life expectancy raised to 76.6 years for male and 82 years for female.
Research has demonstrated associations between an Aboriginal’s social and economic status and their health. For example, - Poor education and literacy are linked to health status. - Poorer income reduces the accessibility of health care services. - Overcrowded and run down housing is associated with poverty and contributes to the spread of communicable disease. - Poor infant diet is associated with poverty and chronic diseases later in life. - Smoking and high risk behavior is associated with lower socio- economic status.
EDUCATION In 2006, 47% of indigenous Australians over the age of 15 reported having a non-school qualification compared with 74% of non-Indigenous Australians. This table represents the table and percentage of indigenous and non-indigenous people who complete their high school education. Highest level of schooling completed for over 18s, 2006 Indigenous %Non-Indigenous % Year 9 or below3416 Year 10 or Year
HIGHEST NON-SCHOOL QUALIFICATION, PERCENTAGE OF PERSONS AGED 25 AND OVER, 2006 Indigenous peoples %Non-Indigenous population % Bachelor degree of above623 Diploma510 Certificate1821 Total with non-school qualification 3055 Indigenous people are less likely to have a post graduate degree, bachelor degree, advanced diploma or diploma, than the non indigenous population.
INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT In 2006, the unemployment rate for Indigenous people was 16% which was a drop from the 2001 rate of 20%. This rate is still 3 times higher than the rate for non-Indigenous Population which is 5%. In the 2006 census, the mean household income for indigenous persons was 460 per week, which is 62% of the rate for non-Indigenous persons, which is 740 per week.