NAME _______________________DATE _______________ STATION 1 Thermometer puzzles – check off each set of puzzles as you complete them1 __________3 __________ 2 __________4 __________ STATION 2 Internet Temperature Quizzes – take each quiz and when done record your score on the line Level A _________Level B _________Level C ______ ***website = STATION 3 Thermometer worksheet – complete the worksheet, get teacher to initial this line ______________, and then place in science tray. NAME _______________________DATE _______________ STATION 1 Thermometer puzzles – check off each set of puzzles as you complete them1 __________3 __________ 2 __________4 __________ STATION 2 Internet Temperature Quizzes – take each quiz and when done record your score on the line Level A _________Level B _________Level C ______ ***website = STATION 3 Thermometer worksheet – complete the worksheet, get teacher to initial this line ______________, and then place in science tray.
Read each direction and color in the Thermometer sheet using a red colored pencil. Fahrenheit Thermometers Thermometer AShow 40 F. Thermometer BShow 92 F Thermometer CShow -5 F Thermometer DShow -8 F Thermometer EShow freezing point Thermometer FShow boiling point Thermometer GShow the average body temperature Thermometer HShow the average room temperature Read each direction and color in the Thermometer sheet using a red colored pencil. Celsius Thermometers Thermometer AShow 5 C Thermometer BShow 28 C Thermometer CShow 15 C Thermometer DShow -4 C Thermometer EShow freezing point Thermometer FShow boiling point Thermometer GShow the average body temperature Thermometer HShow the average room temperature