Curriculum Navigator 2008 À la barre des programmes d’études
Planning Tracking Resources Strategies Outcomes
K – 8 English Language Arts Mathematics Science
What’s New??
K – 12 English Language Arts Mathematics Physical Education / Health Education Science Social Studies Integrateables: - Aboriginal Perspectives - Sustainable Development - Literacy with ICT
Curriculum Navigator is a custom- designed online teacher planning resource that is congruent with the outcomes for curriculum in Manitoba.
In Review
Curriculum Navigator is a custom- designed online teacher planning resource that is congruent with the outcomes for curriculum in Manitoba.
It enables teachers to search by subject, grade, keyword and by integrateable (such as Aboriginal perspectives, Sustainable Development, and Literacy with ICT). It enables teachers to search by subject, grade, keyword and by integrateable (such as Aboriginal perspectives, Sustainable Development, and Literacy with ICT).
Teachers can access fully-developed learning experiences and customize them to meet the needs of their students. Teachers can access fully-developed learning experiences and customize them to meet the needs of their students.
They can also construct their own interdisciplinary learning experiences by 'harvesting' strategies and resources from the Curriculum Navigator database.
Teachers can even design and save their own strategies and resources.
Teachers can then map outcomes from the learning experiences they design for their students back onto Manitoba curriculum to find gaps and overlaps. Teachers can then map outcomes from the learning experiences they design for their students back onto Manitoba curriculum to find gaps and overlaps.
Curriculum Navigator 2008 is an essential resource that supports Manitoba teachers in their professional learning about, and classroom application of, curricular and pedagogical change.
The French version of Curriculum Navigator 2008, À la barre des programmes d’études 2008, will be the first implementation of this system to be used by educators employing the BEF K- 12 curriculum.