OpenSees Navigator & Hybrid Simulation Project by PEER in support of NEES Graduate Student: Andreas Schellenberg Advisor: Prof. Stephen Mahin
Introduction MATLAB based Graphical User Interface developed by Andreas Schellenberg & Tony Yang Pre- and post-processing for OpenSees Integration of Hybrid Simulation into OpenSees Design toolboxes: NSP, AISC design checks, …
Motivation Graphical input is more flexible than TCL text input Most researchers use MATLAB to do the post-processing, and MATLAB/Simulink is the typical framework for implementing hybrid analyses OpenSees Navigator will create the OpenSees (hybrid) model and graphically display results before, during or after a test Flexible to use and requires no programming skills
OpenSees Navigator
Define Geometry Stick Model Beam Model Moment Frame Inverted-V Braced Frame EBF Model Zipper Frame
Define Geometry: Braced Frame
Define Geometry: Display Node: -Numbers -SP Constraints -MP Constraints -Masses -Loads/Disp. Element: -Types -GeoTrans -Local Axes
Edit Geometry Node: -Add -Delete -Move Element: -Divide
Define Material Templates: -Elastic -ElasticNoTension -ElasticPP -ElasticPPGap -Hardening -Steel01 -Steel02 -Concrete01 -Concrete02 -Concrete03 -Hysteretic -Viscous -Parallel -Series
Define Steel02 Material: 50ksi
Define Section Templates: -Elastic -Uniaxial -Fiber -Aggregator
Define Fiber Section: Column
Define Element Templates: -Truss -CorotationalTruss -ElasticBeamColumn -ForceBeamColumn -DispBeamColumn -HingeBeamColumn -ZeroLength -ExpTruss -ExpBeamColumn -ExpChevronBrace
Define ElasticBeamColumn Element
Define ForceBeamColumn Element
Define TimeSeries Templates: -Constant -Linear -Rectangular -Sine -PathValue -PathFile
Define PathFile TimeSeries: SACNF01
Define LoadPattern Templates: -Plain -UniformExcitation
Define UniformExcitation LoadPattern
Define Recorder Templates: -Node -Drift -Truss Element -BeamColumn Element Defaults: -DefoShape -EigenVector
Define BeamColumn Recorder
Define Analysis Options Defaults: -StaticDefault -TransientDefault -EigenDefault
Define New Analysis Options
Assign Menu Node: -SP Constraints -MP Constraints -Masses -Loads -Displacements Element: -Types -GeoTrans -Rotations
Assign Menu
Assigned Properties Nodal Masses Element Types
Define Analysis Cases Defaults: -StaticDefaultCase -EigenDefaultCase
Define New Analysis Case For Example: Periods and Mode Shapes after Time-History Analysis
To Run OpenSees Steps: 1. Write OpenSees Input Files (writes TCL files) 2. Save OpenSees.exe Path (needs to be done only once) 3. Run OpenSees
Post-Processing: Output First: Load OpenSees Results into Matlab
Post-Processing: Output Now these are enabled
Mode Shape: 1st Mode Animation Speed AnalysisCase Recorder Mode Magnification
Mode Shape: 3rd Mode Animation Speed AnalysisCase Recorder Mode Magnification
Deformed Shape Time Step AnalysisCase Recorder Order Magnification
Response AnalysisCase Recorder Parameter Node/Elem DOF
Hybrid Simulation Example Experimental ChevronBrace Element
Define Experimental Control Templates: -xPC Target (-SCRAMNET 150) -dSpace 1104 -BeamColumnSim -ChevronBraceSim
Define ExpControl: xPC Target
Define Experimental Setup Templates: -OneStaticActuator -TwoStaticActuators -ThreeStaticActuators -ChevronBrace
Define ExpSetup: ChevronBrace rigidLength2 rigidLength3 © Tony Yang
Define Experimental Site Templates: -LocalSite -RemoteSite
Define ExpSite: RFS
Define ExpElement: ChevronBrace
Modify Analysis Options Integrator Type: Use AlphaOS Method for Hybrid Simulation Solution Algorithm: The AlphaOS Method requires a Linear solution algorithm
Mode Shape: 1st Mode Animation Speed AnalysisCase Recorder Mode Magnification
Mode Shape: 3rd Mode Animation Speed AnalysisCase Recorder Mode Magnification
Deformed Shape Time Step AnalysisCase Recorder Order Magnification
Response AnalysisCase Recorder Parameter Node/Elem DOF
Summary OpenSees Navigator provides Flexible and user friendly graphical user interface Easy way to study material, section, element or system behaviors Hybrid Simulation interface Many built in post processing toolboxes Great tool to visualize structural behavior Graphical user interface for AISC steel manual section properties
Conclusion OpenSees Navigator 2.0 is available at Andreas Schellenberg: Tony Yang: