Europeans Encounter the New World
1.What was happening in Europe in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries that explains the motivation to look outward (exploration, expansion, and colonization)? 2.Describe the meaning of the Columbian Exchange. How did the Old and New World experience gains and loses because of the exchange? 3.Who benefited the most from the Columbian Exchange and why? 4.Explain the role Portugal played in the age of European exploration. 5.How and why did a geographic revolution take place in the sixteenth century?
Changes in Europe resulting in exploration and colonization:Changes in Europe resulting in exploration and colonization:Reconquest To eliminate Muslim strongholds in the Iberian Peninsula (purify Christianity)To eliminate Muslim strongholds in the Iberian Peninsula (purify Christianity) Isabella promoted knowledge and technology of printIsabella promoted knowledge and technology of print Navigation improvements (compass, hourglass, astrolabe, maps-Portuguese)Navigation improvements (compass, hourglass, astrolabe, maps-Portuguese) Viking/Norsemen sagas developed a taste for luxury from Asia and AfricaViking/Norsemen sagas developed a taste for luxury from Asia and Africa New informationNew information
6.The Black Death/Plague increase in supply of food/luxury goods opportunities for advancement stronger religious ties encouraged risks 7.Competition for trade in the east 8.Increase power More territory, more subjects, more taxes, more soldiers, more prestige
Portuguese Exploration Devoted more energy and wealth than other European countries between Devoted more energy and wealth than other European countries between Religion was an easy way to justify expansionReligion was an easy way to justify expansion Prince Henry the Navigator (navigation techniques)Prince Henry the Navigator (navigation techniques) Peaceful trading post in AfricaPeaceful trading post in Africa 1460s: use of African slaves for sugar plantations1460s: use of African slaves for sugar plantations Sea route to AsiaSea route to Asia Significant trade in Indonesia, China, IndiaSignificant trade in Indonesia, China, India
Geographical Revolution Altered Europeans understanding of the world and its people. Treaty of TordesillasTreaty of Tordesillas
Columbian Exchange Trade of goods people and ideasTrade of goods people and ideas
Be able to answer the question below During the sixteenth century, Spain became the most powerful country in both Europe and the Americas. How and why did this happen? How did Spain transform America? How is the Spanish influence still visible in the United States today?During the sixteenth century, Spain became the most powerful country in both Europe and the Americas. How and why did this happen? How did Spain transform America? How is the Spanish influence still visible in the United States today?