These are test questions!!! From chapters 5-13 Hoot Part 3-6 Review These are test questions!!! From chapters 5-13
Review Game THESE ARE TEST QUESTIONS! PAY ATTENTION!!! Write them down if you need to. This PPT is on my website. Rules: Groups of 4 each get a whiteboard. Write your answer on your whiteboard and hold it up WHEN I SAY “TIME”. Groups that have their board up with the right answer gets a point. Groups with the wrong answer get a NEGATIVE point. Groups with no answer or who didn’t hold up their board when I say “time” don’t get a point. You may use your novel! Please discuss (quietly) to come to a consensus before time is up.
Multiple Choice/Short Answer Why didn’t Roy tell his parents about Mullet Fingers ?
Multiple Choice/Short Answer Why didn’t Roy tell his parents about Mullet Fingers ? He thought his father might report him for truancy, and he didn’t want to get the kid in trouble
Multiple Choice ______Roy realized that the construction site’s address was connected to (A) Dana Matherson’s address, (B) the place where he had found Mullet Fingers, (C) Beatrice Leep’s bus stop and the place he had first spotted Mullet.
Multiple Choice ______Roy realized that the construction site’s address was connected to (A) Dana Matherson’s address, (B) the place where he had found Mullet Fingers, (C) Beatrice Leep’s bus stop and the place he had first spotted Mullet.
Multiple Choice ______. Why was Officer Delinko more determined than ever to catch the little jerks who had vandalized his Crown Victoria? They had (A) made him a laughing stock, (B) ruined his car (C) put his whole career in jeopardy.
Multiple Choice ______. Why was Officer Delinko more determined than ever to catch the little jerks who had vandalized his CrownVictoria? They had (A) made him a laughing stock, (B) ruined his car (C) put his whole career in jeopardy.
Multiple Choice ______The police sergeant made it perfectly clear to Officer Delinko that (A) he would not be held responsible for the vandalism on the patrol car, (B) if the chief said so, he definitely was taking flu medicine the night the car was vandalized, (C) he was an embarrassment to the whole town of Coconut Cove.
Multiple Choice The police sergeant made it perfectly clear to Officer Delinko that (A) he would not be held responsible for the vandalism on the patrol car, (B) if the chief said so, he definitely was taking flu medicine the night the car was vandalized, (C) he was an embarrassment to the whole town of Coconut Cove.
Multiple Choice Before he went into the thicket of pepper trees where he had found Mullet Fingers, Roy (A) locked his bicycle to the same water fountain where he had left it before, (B) hid his bicycle at the end of the thicket, (C) hopped off his bicycle and left it.
Multiple Choice Before he went into the thicket of pepper trees where he had found Mullet Fingers, Roy (A) hopped off his bicycle and left it. (B) locked his bicycle to the same water fountain where he had left it before, (C) hid his bicycle at the end of the thicket,
Multiple Choice It was Roy’s intention to (A) invite Mullet Fingers to come home with him, (B) convince Mullet Fingers that he could be trusted and only wanted to help, (C) find out more about Mullet Fingers.
Multiple Choice It was Roy’s intention to (A) invite Mullet Fingers to come home with him, (B) convince Mullet Fingers that he could be trusted and only wanted to help, (C) find out more about Mullet Fingers.
Multiple Choice Which of the following was not one of the reasons Roy thought it would be a bad option to stand and fight Dana? (A) He was an only child, and he knew his mom would be devastated if something bad happened to him. (B) He could get suspended from school permanently. (C) Dana was big enough to crush him like a grape.
Multiple Choice Which of the following was not one of the reasons Roy thought it would be a bad option to stand and fight Dana? (A) He was an only child, and he knew his mom would be devastated if something bad happened to him. (B) He could get suspended from school permanently. (C) Dana was big enough to crush him like a grape.
Multiple Choice What was the purpose of Roy’s plan to be among the very last to board the bus and grab one of the empty seats up front? (A) The bus driver would be able to see Dana and put a stop to his bullying. (B) Dana and his cronies usually sat in the back rows and didn’t bother the kids sitting near the driver. (C) Dana wasn’t as likely to try anything on the bus as he was in the school hallway.
Multiple Choice What was the purpose of Roy’s plan to be among the very last to board the bus and grab one of the empty seats up front? (A) The bus driver would be able to see Dana and put a stop to his bullying. (B) Dana and his cronies usually sat in the back rows and didn’t bother the kids sitting near the driver. (C) Dana wasn’t as likely to try anything on the bus as he was in the school hallway.
Multiple Choice What was unusual about the snakes that Kalo had found on the property? They (A) didn’t seem to be afraid of people, (B) were sluggish and slow moving, (C) had sparkly tails.
Multiple Choice What was unusual about the snakes that Kalo had found on the property? They (A) didn’t seem to be afraid of people, (B) were sluggish and slow moving, (C) had sparkly tails.
Multiple Choice How did Kalo twist his ankle? He (A) stepped in an owl burrow, (B) tripped over a piece of metal when he was running from a snake, (C) fell down the steps of Curly’s trailer.
Multiple Choice How did Kalo twist his ankle? He (A) stepped in an owl burrow, (B) tripped over a piece of metal when he was running from a snake, (C) fell down the steps of Curly’s trailer.
Multiple Choice When Kalo talked about the possibility of going on disability, what did he say about Mother Paula? He said Mother Paula was a very big company (A) that didn’t care about the little people, (B) with lots of money, (C) and she didn’t need another pancake house.
Multiple Choice When Kalo talked about the possibility of going on disability, what did he say about Mother Paula? He said Mother Paula was a very big company (A) that didn’t care about the little people, (B) with lots of money, (C) and she didn’t need another pancake house.
Multiple Choice What did the reptile wrangler find when he scoured the pancake-house property for the snakes? He (A) found them positioned individually so that they formed a circle around Curly’s trailer, (B) found them tangled together in a single mass near the gate, (C) didn’t find a single snake.
Multiple Choice What did the reptile wrangler find when he scoured the pancake-house property for the snakes? He (A) found them positioned individually so that they formed a circle around Curly’s trailer, (B) found them tangled together in a single mass near the gate, (C) didn’t find a single snake.
Multiple Choice Where did Dana take Roy to beat him? (A) into a janitorial closet, (B) behind the folded bleachers in the back of the gymnasium, (C) into one of the empty classrooms.
Multiple Choice Where did Dana take Roy to beat him? (A) into a janitorial closet, (B) behind the folded bleachers in the back of the gymnasium, (C) into one of the empty classrooms.
Multiple Choice When Dana was hoisted off his chest, Roy thought that maybe (A) Mr. Ryan had overheard their struggle, (B) the janitor had found them, (C) his father had come looking for him.
Multiple Choice When Dana was hoisted off his chest, Roy thought that maybe (A) Mr. Ryan had overheard their struggle, (B) the janitor had found them, (C) his father had come looking for him.
Multiple Choice What was the incident that prompted Lonna to ship her son off to a military prep school as her first attempt to normalize the boy? He brought home an owl (B) He brought home a raccoon (C) He skipped school (D) He didn’t listen to her.
Multiple Choice What was the incident that prompted Lonna to ship her son off to a military prep school as her first attempt to normalize the boy? He brought home an owl (B) He brought home a raccoon (C) He skipped school (D) He didn’t listen to her.
Multiple Choice What did Roy see that made him understand why Mullet had been vandalizing the construction site? He spotted the smallest owl he had ever seen. (B) He tripped over an owl burrow. (C) He saw a snake. (D) He saw Curly and the dogs.
Multiple Choice What did Roy see that made him understand why Mullet had been vandalizing the construction site? He spotted the smallest owl he had ever seen. (B) He tripped over an owl burrow. (C) He saw a snake. (D) He saw Curly and the dogs.
Multiple Choice While Roy’s mother was inside answering the phone, what subject did Officer Delinko discuss with Roy’s father? (A) Why Roy was lurking around the construction site and what he should do with a defiant child. (B) He brought up sports and football. ( (C) He asked about the letter he wanted Mr. Eberhardt to write to his chief telling him how he brought Roy home. (D) He wanted to know if Mr. Eberhardt preferred pancakes or muffins.
Multiple Choice While Roy’s mother was inside answering the phone, what subject did Officer Delinko discuss with Roy’s father? (A) Why Roy was lurking around the construction site and what he should do with a defiant child. (B) He brought up sports and football. (C) He asked about the letter he wanted Mr. Eberhardt to write to his chief telling him how he brought Roy home. (D) He wanted to know if Mr. Eberhardt preferred pancakes or muffins.
Multiple Choice Why did Mrs. Eberhardt burst out the door carrying her purse and her car keys at the end of Chapter 11? The emergency room called to report that Roy had been hurt. (B) The police station called to report a stolen bike. (C) The school called to report a fight amongst Dana, Beatrice and Roy. (D) She forgot about a really important Doctor’s appointment.
Multiple Choice Why did Mrs. Eberhardt burst out the door carrying her purse and her car keys at the end of Chapter 11? The emergency room called to report that Roy had been hurt. (B) The police station called to report a stolen bike. (C) The school called to report a fight amongst Dana, Beatrice and Roy. (D) She forgot about a really important Doctor’s appointment.
Multiple Choice What was Beatrice’s explanation as to how her brother was injured? That her brother fell down the stairs. (B) That her brother got into a fight with the bully at school, Dana. (C) That her brother was bit by a dog. (D) That her brother fell off his bike.
Multiple Choice What was Beatrice’s explanation as to how her brother was injured? That her brother fell down the stairs. (B) That her brother got into a fight with the bully at school, Dana. (C) That her brother was bit by a dog. (D) That her brother fell off his bike.