Year of Creativity 2002 Admissions Arrangements for 2016 transfer
The Admissions Process One common application form (CAF) Applications are made online If you do not live in Redbridge then you must apply via the LA you reside in If your child has a statement of special educational needs then you do not apply online but you contact the Redbridge Special Services Team
The target is for parents to be given the offer of one maintained school place only To achieve this, all maintained allocations are to be co- ordinated by the LA Everyone follows the same timetable This should help parents to have a clearer picture of process all the way along London Schools Admissions System
What is the timetable? September & October – secondary school open sessions Apply between 1 September and 31 October online If you cannot access the Internet then you should go to the One Stop Shop at Lynton House to obtain a paper application 31 October – Final deadline After 11 December–exchange of information between LA’s re applications
Timetable - continued Selective tests – September 2015 Outcome of tests (ranking) given on 16 October.This will not be an offer of a place. Only boys and girls with the top 180 scores will be offered a place. 1 March –letter posted to parents from LA with single offer 1 March – for online applications 15 March- deadline to accept/decline place 29 March– deadline for lodging appeals May/June/July –appeals heard
How will the system work? Parents can ask for (that is “name”) up to 6 schools – including selective, catchment area, out of borough, voluntary, foundation, academies and other community comprehensives All schools to be named on the Redbridge form, or borough in which you live, no matter in which LA they are situated
Applying Online Parents/carers can apply online First you must register You must have a dedicated address because you will be sent links to verify the address. You will be given a unique number starting with … which you should make a note of and use in any further correspondence
Applying Online Deadline –October 31, :59PM Online validation means mistakes will be picked up immediately You will be told if a school needs a supplementary application form Offers ed out on 1 March 2016 Remember to SUBMIT
How should “named” schools be listed? Parents will have to “rank” their named schools Sibling priority means those children currently in years therefore any that are in years 11,12 and 13 will not be counted as siblings (siblings must live at the same address) If, once the criteria has been applied, a child qualifies for more than one school, the offer made will be the school that is ranked most highly All applications are considered equally Parents are advised to rank the grammar schools or denominational schools higher than community schools Parents are advised to list their catchment school Parents should use their ranking wisely
Sibling Priority Please note that for the majority of Redbridge Schools, siblings come lower than distance. Exceptions are: Chadwell Heath Academy, City Gates School, Isaac Newton Academy, King Soloman, Mayfield, Trinity. Siblings generally mean in years 7-10
Chadwell Heath Academy If a parent wishes CHA to be their first preference it must be placed above the catchment school Parents must place the catchment school on the list whatever the preference to gain a place at the catchment school
Supplementary Information Forms (SIF) A SIF may be required in addition to the common application form Redbridge schools-, King Soloman Canon Palmer,Ilford Ursuline,Trinity require Priest’s Reference Form and/or SIF’s for non-catholics Applications to these schools will not be considered if you do not submit a form with the required documentation
Example Pupil 1 (male) RankingNamed schoolOffer possible 1 st Ilford Countyno – unsuccessful test 2 nd Trinity RCno - oversubscribed 3 rd Seven Kings (distance)no – oversubscribed 4 th Palmer Catholic Academy yes – places available 5 th Loxford no – oversubscribed 6 th Valentines (sibling)yes places available Single offer = Canon Palmer as ranked highest
Example Pupil 2 (female) RankingNamed schoolOffer possible 1 st Beal (distance)no – oversubscribed 2 nd Woodford Countyyes – successful test 3 rd Ilford Ursuline RCno – oversubscribed 4 th Chadwell Heathno – oversubscribed 5 th Oaks Park (distance)no – oversubscribed 6 th Caterham (catchment)yes - places available Single offer = Woodford County as ranked highest
Example Pupil 3 (male) RankingNamed schoolOffer possible 1 st Chadwell Heath (sibling)yes – places available 2 nd Mayfield (catchment)yes – places available 3 rd Seven Kings (distance)no – oversubscribed 4 th Ilford Countyyes – successful test 5 th Trinity (sibling)yes – places available 6 th Caterham (distance)no - oversubscribed Single offer = Chadwell Heath as ranked highest
Example 4 Offer not possible 1 st West hatch (Essex) – no (distance) No other school selected. Parents live in Ilford, child doesn’t qualify for West Hatch. No offer made
Example 5 Parents living in Barking & Dagenham 1 st Chadwell Heath Academy - yes (sibling) 2 nd Warren High School - yes (Distance) 3 rd Seven Kings- no (over-subscribed) Qualified for places at both 1 st and 2 nd ranked schools. Offer made for Chadwell Heath Academy as 1 st ranked school.
Example Pupil 6 (female) RankingNamed schoolOffer possible 1 st Seven Kings (distance) no – oversubscribed 2 nd Woodford Countyno – unsuccessful test 3 rd Chadwell Heath (sibling)no – oversubscribed 4 th Valentines (distance)no – oversubscribed 5 th Loxford (distance)no – oversubscribed 6 th Caterham (distance)no - oversubscribed Single offer = None
What if I don’t get my first choice? You will be offered a place according to the criteria If you are offered your first choice, all other schools will be removed If you are offered a lower ranked school then your child’s name will be placed on the waiting lists of all schools ranked above the school you have been offered.
What if no offer can be made? Parents can appeal for schools where places are not offered You will be asked if you wish to be placed on a waiting list Movement will still take place – so vacancies might still arise and applicants offered from waiting lists If still no place by mid-April – place will be offered either at school with vacancies or if there are no vacancies through “Fair Access Protocol”
Good luck !